Amity Crest
The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283

~~ 2019 ~~
[ Click photos for more details ]
January 2019:
† Before the Lodge was opened the WM requested that the Brethren stand in memory of Mrs Florence Ingham, one of our Lodge Widows, who had died since our last meeting. Mrs Ingham was a predominant member and Chair of the then Rossendale Forest Lodge Ladies Social Committee, and the Widow of the late WBro John Ingham PAGSwdB who was a Past Master of Rossendale Forest Lodge No.4138 and Master of the Lodge in 1966. †
This being the first meeting of the year, and our Installation meeting. The Lodge was opened in due form by the Worshipful Master WBro Michael Rosney PProvAGDC. WBro Andy Shaw was acting JW in the absence of WBro Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC and WBro Greg Casson PProvDepGReg was acting Chaplain in the absence of WBro Ian Haworth PProvJGD, both away on cruises. WBro Stuart Rayton PProvGSwdB was acting SD in the absence of Bro Peter Moore.
The representative of the RWProvGM, VWBro Dr Nigel Graham Bramley-Haworth PGSwdB PDepProvGM together with WBro Paul Aspinall, WBro Roger Flitcroft MBE, WBro Brian J Carter, and WBro Steve Barton, all Grand Lodge Officers with the Rank of PAGDC, accompanied by WBro Dave McGurty JP PProvJGW East Ribble District Chairman were admitted and salutations given accordingly.
For the purpose of Installation, the WM requested that WBro Graham Grishakow PProvStdB occupy the SW Chair, WBro Andy Shaw PProvSGD to remain in the JW Chair, WBro Paul Spann to act as IIG and WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC to remain as Installing Tyler, and WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB was Installing DC.
The main business of the meeting was to install Bro Raymond Peter Godwin WME in to the Chair of this old Lodge. WBro Donald Bright presented Bro Godwin for Installation and the Ceremony was then worked by WBro Rosney assisted by the Past Masters of the Lodge and WBro Chris Harris, a past member of the Lodge now residing in Scotland. Bro Godwin was installed in the Chair of the Lodge according to ancient custom, and with much feeling and humour. The various presentations were given by the newer members of the Lodge in a most excellent manner.
The Lodge Officers appointed and invested are recorded on the Officers Page of this website.
VWBro Nigel Bramley Haworth PGSwdB PDepProvGM presented Bro Godwin WM with a commemorative certificate from the members of the Lodge. The WM then presented VWBro Nigel Bramley Haworth with a £1,600.00 cheque from the Lodge for him to pass on to ELMC on our behalf. VWBro Bramley-Haworth thanked the WM and Brethren for this most generous donation and congratulated the Lodge on the amount of donations they had made to Masonic Charities as well as non-Masonic Charities.
The Almoner, WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC gave his report. WBro Andy Shaw PProvSGD gave the Charity report in the absence of WBro Dennis Heskett, Charity Steward.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 19 members and 30 visitors were present from 20 different Lodges in the Provinces of East Lancs, West Lancs, Middlesex and Galloway (Scotland). We were all very pleased to see WBro Chris Harris (a past member of the Lodge) visiting again from Scotland in his resplendent Green Scottish Regalia.
The Lodge was closed, and an excellent and jovial Installation Festive Board followed.
February 2019:
The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, Bro Raymond Peter Godwin.
WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB was acting DC. WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC was acting IPM.
The first business on the Summons was for the Secretary to read the Bye-Laws of the Lodge.
WBro A Shaw, PProvSGD, Mentor and Bro W Atkinson, LMO gave a presentation of the recently launched Members' Pathway. The presentation was very well put together, informative and well received by the Brethren. WBro Shaw and Bro Atkinson engaged with the Brethren with some audience participation, which went down well. The WM thanked the presenters and invited the Brethren to show their appreciation in the usual manner, to which the Brethren responded with a warm round of applause. WBro Smith, PProvDepGDC, Almoner, picked up from the presentation that all Lodge members have a Mentoring responsibility, which is generally accepted. He went on to ask the members to consider that we all have a similar responsibility to look after those who are in need, and to assist the Almoner by keeping in touch with those they know.
The Lodge took a ballot for two new members for Initiation, which proved in favour of the candidates. They will be Initiated in March and April respectively.
The Almoner, WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC gave his report. WBro Dennis Heskett SW & Charity Steward gave a report on Lodge Charity Account and Charity in general.
The Secretary advised that he had received confirmation of the Lodge's Grand Patron status for ELMC for the next twelve months. He reported that he had received a letter from VWBro Nigel Graham Bramley-Haworth who was the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master at our Installation meeting in January, which he then read to the Brethren. He also reported that he had received a thank you letter from WBro Michael Ross, the Provincial Grand Secretary for Middlesex, who had attended the Installation meeting with three other members of Royal Hanover Lodge No.1777, which he then read to the Brethren.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 16 members and 0 visitors were present.
The Lodge was then closed, and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board, which was being held this month at the Sparth House Hotel due to the unavailability of the main Festive Board room at Mill House.
March 2019:
The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM Bro Raymond Godwin.
This evening was the 'Family of Lodges' meeting. The Worshipful Masters of the Family of Lodges were admitted (six in total) and presented to our Worshipful Master, and then took their place in the Lodge. Out of the eight Lodges in the Family, the Lodges represented were:
- Bro David Peacock (Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge, 462)
- WBro Alun Davies, PProvJGW (Lodge of Remembrance, 3787)
- WBro Les Bond, PProvJDG (Prosperity Lodge, 5206)
- WBro Ian Ogden, PProvSGW (Hyndburn Lodge of Installed Masters, 8766)
- Bro John Horman (Rhyddings Lodge No.5205)
The Lodge Account and Charity Accounts were presented and approved.
The main item of business was to Initiate Mr. Callum Cawley in to Freemasonry and this Lodge. The WM Bro Raymond Godwin invited WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC, Almoner to occupy the Chair to work the Initiation ceremony. The Candidate was escorted on his progress around the Lodge by Bro Steve Thompson, JD in an excellent manner. WBro Derek Smith worked the ceremony in a most excellent manner, ably assisted by the Officers of the Lodge. WBro Alan Fielder gave the Address to the NE Corner and Bro Vincent Frain, FC, Stwd, presented and explained the Working Tools in an excellent manner. Bro. Kenneth Lee, JW, gave the Charge after Initiation in an exemplary manner and with great feeling. Indeed, all worked the ceremony to the highest standard and the best traditions of the Lodge. Mr. Cawley was well and truly initiated into Freemasonry and welcomed in to the Lodge by all the Brethren.
Reports were received from the following:
- The Almoner reported on the member that are incapacitated and are unable to attend the Lodge, he also reported on some of the Widows who are having health problems.
- The Charity Steward, asked for volunteers to marshal at forthcoming various Charity events.
- The District Rep. although he reported that the District Meeting wasn't until next week, so he would report at the next meeting.
- The Lodge Membership Officer gave a brief report on forthcoming 'White Table' events.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 20 members and 17 visitors were present.
The Lodge was closed, and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board. WBro Russell Harwood PProvDepGDC, Secretary proposed the Toast to Bro Cawley and in his reply, Bro Cawley said that he was delighted to now be a member of the Lodge and thanked everyone for their words of welcome and encouragement. WBro Andy Shaw PProvSGD, Mentor presented Bro Cawley with the EA booklet.
The raffle raised £170 for Charity, which was thankfully received and will be faithfully applied.
April 2019:
16 April 2019
† The WM stood to announce the recent passing of Mrs Sheila Garrity the Widow of WBro Brian Garrity, PProvSGD a past member of the Lodge, and requested the Brethren stand and join him in a moments silence in her memory. †
The Lodge was then opened in due form.
The WM announced the debut of our "virtual organist" (an app on a tablet and a large blue tooth speaker) and asked the Brethren to be patient with him as it was his first performance in the Lodge room. Later in the evening the AProvGM commented on the "virtual organist" stating that it's the first Lodge he's been in where the IG is also the Lodge DJ! He did add that music in the Lodge makes a tremendous difference and long may it continue.
WBro Alan Kirwilliam, PAGStB, AProvGM was introduced to the WM, who welcomed him to the Lodge and offered him the gavel. On this occasion WBro Kirwilliam thanked the WM and very quickly gave it back.
WBro Kirwilliam was then officially greeted with five honours. He thanked the WM and Brethren for the warm welcome and added that he was looking forward to the ceremony. There was an entertaining moment, at the expense of the WM, when he referred to WBro Alan Kirwilliam as WBro KirKwilliam which brought a sharp intake of breath from the Brethren and a stern, but good natured, look from WBro Kirwilliam. The moment was enhanced when the WM admitted that he knew he'd made a faux pas but had no idea what it was! WBro Kirwilliam promptly pointed out that his surname had only one K not two. The WM then announced, "my first duty this evening is to apologise!", adding to the already copious amount of laughter around the Lodge room. This was all good natured and no offence was meant or taken.
The WM then welcomed the District Chairman WBro Dave McGurty, JP, PProvJGW, other Officers of United Grand Lodge and members of the East Ribble District team.
The main business of the evening was to initiate Mr Lee James Marsden, the Ceremony being worked by the WM, assisted by the officers of the Lodge.
Bro S Thompson, JD conducted the candidate in a positive manner; WBro S Rayton, PProvGSwdB gave the address to the NE corner to an extremely high standard; Bro V Frain, Stwd, presented the WTs with clarity and to a high standard. Bro K Lee, JW delivered the Charge after Initiation, his delivery was outstanding and word perfect, given with clarity and sincerity, and for the second time in as many months, this prompted a well-deserved round of applause. The test questions and answers were demonstrated by the Master and his Wardens. The WM officially welcomed Bro Marsden in to the Lodge and presented him with his Lodge EA certificate before inviting him to take his seat in Lodge.
The WM then invited Bro V Frain, Stwd to deliver a five-minute nugget entitled "A Welcome to the Initiate". Although these are meant to be read, Bro Frain had actually learned the passage, which was delivered extremely well and had particular relevance to the evening's proceedings. The Brethren and the AProvGM were astounded by Bro Frain's commitment and this again prompted a round of applause.
Reports were received from the Almoner, Charity Steward, District Rep., and the LMO which are expanded on in the Lodge minutes.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 20 members and 17 visitors were present from 9 Lodges across 2 Provinces
The Lodge was closed, and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board.
WBro Russell Harwood PProvDepGDC, Secretary proposed the Toast to Bro Marsden and in his reply, Bro Marsden said that he was delighted to now be a member of the Lodge and thanked everyone for their words of welcome and encouragement. WBro Andy Shaw PProvSGD, Mentor presented Bro Marsden with the EA booklet and the AProvGM presented him with the DVD of the 300 years of Freemasonry celebrations.
The raffle raised £263 for Charity, which was thankfully received and will be faithfully applied.
17 April 2019 ~ Eric Corbridge 50 years a Freemason
WBro Eric Corbridge was to celebrate 50 years in Freemasonry at our April meeting. However, Eric's health was such as to prevent him from attending. So, the AProvGM, WBro Alan Kirwilliam PGStB and WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC, Almoner visited Eric's house and made the respective presentations to Eric's wife Jean. View the presentation, click here.
May 2019:
The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, Bro Raymond Godwin.
The main business of the evening was to Raise Bro Vincent Stephen Frain to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. The WM requested WBro Graham Grishakow PProvStB to occupy the Chair for the purpose of working the ceremony assisted by the Officers of the Lodge.
The following Brethren assisted during the ceremony:
- Bro Will Atkinson SD escorted Bro Frain in his journey through the Degree ceremony.
- The WT's of a Master Mason were presented and explained by Bro John Hutchison IG.
- The Charge after Raising was given by Bro Ken Lee JW.
- The Traditional History was given by WBro Grishakow.
- The explanation of the Third-Degree Tracing Board was given by WBro Stuart Rayton PProvGSwdB.
All performed their duties in an exemplary manner and to the usual high standards of the Lodge.
Following a Notice of Motion, WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB proposed and WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC seconded, that VWBro John Richard Farrington PGSwdB DepProvGM become an honorary member of the Lodge. The ballot was in favour of the proposition.
Various other propositions were made, these all passed on a show of hands.
The Almoner and Charity Steward gave their respective reports.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 20 members and 10 visitors were present from 7 Lodges across 2 Provinces, and 1 visitor from Royal Yarn Lodge, 615 (N Ireland).
The virtual Organist this month started off well, but had a low energy crisis towards the end of the meeting (flat battery).
The Lodge was closed, and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board.
June - July - August 2019:
The Lodge does not conduct any Masonic business during these months, and is in Summer recess.
A time for a bit of sailing, walking, cycling, or just relaxing and recharging the batteries after all the hard work during the first half of our Masonic Year.
See you all again in September.

September 2019:
The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, Bro Raymond Peter Godwin and he welcomed the Brethren back after the Summer recess. WBro Alan Fielder was acting IG in the absence of Bro Hutchison.
† The WM requested the Brethren stand to order in respected to departed merit of WBro Sydney Pearson PProvJGD who died 18 July 2019. He lived respected and died regretted. †
The WM advised that the next business was to hear an explanation of the First-Degree Tracing Board by WBro S Rayton, PProvGSwdB. The Lodge room was prepared and WBro Rayton invited Bro's V Frain, (Stwd) and C Cawley, (EA) to occupy two seats in the centre of the Lodge facing East so that they may have the best possible view of the presentation. WBro Rayton gave the explanation in an outstanding manner and was appreciated by all present particularly Bro's Frain and Cawley. The Worshipful Master thanked WBro Rayton for the presentation and the Brethren showed their appreciation with warm applause.
The WM then invited Bro Frain to present a five-minute nugget entitled "The Origins of the Tracing Boards" taken from "Solomon" the UGLE online repository of learning materials. The paper was very appropriate given the earlier presentation and well received by all present. Bro Frain delivered the paper with confidence and very clearly.
The Almoner and Charity Steward gave their respective reports.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 19 members and 4 visitors (All from Lodges in West Lancs) were present.
The Lodge was closed, and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board.
Photo by WBro D Smith PProvDepGDC
October 2019:
The Lodge was opened in due form by the Worshipful Master Bro Raymond Godwin.
WBro Alan Fielder was acting Inner Guard.
The main business of the evening was to 'Pass' Bro Callum Cawley to the Degree of a Fellow-Craft. The ceremony was worked by the Worshipful Master. Bro Cawley was escorted on his journey around the Lodge by Bro Will Atkinson (SD) in a very efficient and calming manner. The SE Corner Address was given by Bro. Vincent Frain (Stwd), the Working tools of the Degree were explained by Bro. Will Atkinson (SD), and the Charge after Passing was given by WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB. All performed their work in a most excellent manner, with congratulations and praise from both the Provincial Officers and Visitors alike, for an excellent Candidate and a well worked ceremony.
The Almoner, WBro Derek H Smith PProvDepGDC gave his report and WBro Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC gave the Charity Steward's report. WBro Harwood PProvDepGDC had deputised for Bro Atkinson, LMO at the recent LMO/Mentor meeting so he gave a full report on the proceedings.
The Sec advised that he had received two resignations since our last meeting, that of WBro SFB Cains due to his inability to attend the Lodge and from Bro J Hutchison due to personal circumstances.
The minutes recorded apologies from members and some regular visitors, however, 20 members and 2 visitors were present to witness Bro Cawley being Passed to the Degree of a Fellow-Craft.
The Lodge was then closed in due form, followed by the Festive Board.
Photo by WBro D Smith PProvDepGDC
November 2019:
The Lodge was opened in due form by the Worshipful Master Bro Raymond Godwin.
WBro Steve Barton PAGDC was acting IG, WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC was acting SW and WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB acting DC.
The main business of the evening was to 'Pass' Bro Lee Marsden to the Degree of a Fellow-Craft. The ceremony was worked by the Worshipful Master. Bro Marsden was escorted on his journey around the Lodge by Bro Will Atkinson (SD) in a very efficient and calming manner. The SE Corner Address was given by Bro. Vincent Frain (Stwd), the Working tools of the Degree were explained by Bro. Will Atkinson (SD), and the Charge after Passing was given by WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB, acting DC. All performed their work in a most excellent manner, with congratulations and praise from Grand Officers, Provincial Grand Officers and Visitors alike, for an excellent Candidate and a very well worked ceremony.
Grand Lodge Certificates were presented and explained by WBro Alan Fielder to both Bro Peter Chapman and Bro Vincent Frain in a most excellent and confident manner for which he received a warm round of applause. WBro Fielder had enlarged his own Grand Lodge Certificate and mounted it on a board so that the candidates could follow the presentation with ease.
The Almoner, WBro Derek H Smith PProvDepGDC gave his report and WBro Russell Harwood PProvDepGDC, Secretary gave the Charity Steward's report in the absence of WBro Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC, who was on yet another cruise.
There were several items to be resolved from the October Committee Meeting. Propositions were made and voted on, with all of them now being resolved before our business meeting next month.
The minutes recorded apologies from members and some regular visitors, however, 18 members and 7 visitors (1 from France) were present to witness Bro Marsden being Passed to the Degree of a Fellow-Craft.
At the end of the evening the WM was asked if it was easier the second time around, to which he replied; 'It never gets any easier'.
The Lodge was then closed in due form, followed by the Festive Board.
Photos by WBro D Smith PProvDepGDC
December 2019:
Prior to the opening of the Lodge, Bro V Frain agreed to remain in the bar area with two of our prospective candidates. A gesture that was appreciated by the Brethren of the Lodge and our prospective candidates.
Due to Bro R Godwin WM, being away on business WBro M Rosney ProvSGD IPM occupied the Chair. WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB was acting IPM and DC for the evening.
The Officers did not parade in but prior to opening the Lodge WBro D Bright PProvGSwdB acting DC announced that WBro Rosney and WBro R Harwood Sec, had both received promotions at the recent Provincial Grand Lodge, WBro Rosney to the acting rank of ProvSGD and WBro Harwood to PProvGSwdB. Both were acclaimed with warm applause by the brethren after which WBro Rosney thanked them on his and WBro Harwood's behalf.
The main business of the evening was to elect the Worshipful Master and Treasurer for the ensuing year.
- There being no other nominations WBro. Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC (SW) was declared WME for 2020
- There being no other nominations WBro Graham Grishakow PProvGStB was declared Treasurer for 2020
- As there were no other nominations, WBro D Bury, PProvGSuptWks and Bro W Atkinson were declared as the Accounts Examination Committee for 2020.
- Bro Will Atkinson (SD) proposed and Bro Steve Thompson (JD) seconded that the WM be empowered to appoint a Tyler for the ensuing year from amongst the subscribing members of the Lodge, without emolument. The Brethren present approved the proposition.
The Treasurer proposed a revised Fee for Initiation / Joining in 2020. This was approved by the Brethren.
The Charity Steward proposed certain sums of money to be donated to charity. Donations to Masonic and non-Masonic charity and local good causes totalling almost £3,000 were approved by the Brethren. All of which will be distributed in the next few weeks.
The first of three candidates for Inititation in 2020 was approved by ballot, the candidate was proposed by Bro Will Atkinson and seconded by Bro Ray Godwin, WM last month. The candidate will be Initiated into Freemasonry and the Lodge early in 2020.
The Almoner, WBro Derek H Smith PProvDepGDC gave his report, the Charity Steward WBro Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC gave his report. The District Rep. Bro Ken Lee JW, gave his report.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 19 members 0 visitors were present.
The Lodge was then closed in due form. The Festive Board was held at the Sparth House Hotel where our Ladies and guest joined us for a Christmas Meal.

Another excellent, happy and productive year at the Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest comes to a close. May we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.