Amity Crest

Amity Crest

The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283

Rossendale Forest Crest
Rossendale Forest Crest


25 January 2025 - Installation Meeting

The Installation of WBro Graham Denis Grishakow PProvStB into the Chair of the Lodge.


† The WM WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD requested the Brethren stand to order in respect of departed merit WBro David T Bury PProvGSuptWks who had passed away 24 December 2024, who lived respected and died regretted. †
23 Nov 1935 - 24 Dec 2024

WBro Dennis Heskett PProvGReg read a eulogy.



The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD.

The Secretary WBro Ken Lee confirmed receipt of the Dispensation to hold the meeting on Saturday the 25th of January 2025.

The Secretary also read the summons convening the meeting and the minutes of our last regular Lodge, having been circulated were approved and signed by the WM, SW and JW.

WBro Alan Kirwilliam PSGD PAProvGM the representative of the RWProvGM was admitted accompanied by the Northern Area Chairman, Grand Lodge Officers and the RWProvGM of Galloway, Scotland. Salutations were given accordingly.

For the purpose of Installation, the WIM, WBro Fielder, invited WBro Andy Shaw PProvSGD to occupy the SW's Chair, WBro Dennis Heskett PProvGReg to remain in the JW's chair, WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB to act as IG and WBro Ray Godwin PProvDepGDC to remain as Tyler.

The WIM then requested all Brethren below the rank of a FC to retire for a short time and the Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree.

The main business of the meeting was to install WBro Graham Denis Grishakow PProvStB, WME into the Chair of this old Lodge. WBro M Rosney ProvSGD, DC, presented the WME to the WIM. WBro Grishakow reaffirmed his agreement to the Ancient Charges and Regulations before advanced to the pedestal to reaffirm his obligation. All Brethren below the rank of a MM retired for a short time and the Lodge was opened in the Third-Degree.

All those below the rank of an Installed Master retired from the Lodge, a Board of IM's was opened by ritual and the WME, WBro Graham D Grishakow was installed into the Chair of King Solomon by the WBro Alan Fielder, who performed the Ceremony of Installation in an excellent manner. The WT of an IM were presented and explained in an excellent manner by WBro C Harris a past member of the Lodge, now a member of Lodge St. Medans 1335 (SC). The Lodge was called off for a comfort break.


The Lodge was called on and WBro Rosney, DC, closed the B of IM by ritual. Work resumed in the various Degrees with:

  • WBro Casson presented the WT's of a MM in the Third-Degree.
  • Bro Jason Fitzgerald presented the WT's of a FC in the Second-Degree.
  • WBro Casson presented the WT's of an EA in the First-Degree.
  • The Warrants, Book of Constitutions, By-Laws, Banners, and Bible Fall were presented to the WM by WBro Alan Fielder, IPM

All performed their work in an excellent manner, to the usual high standard and with sincerity.

The WM was requested to appoint and invest his officers. Officers who were unable to attend the Installation will be invested at some future date.

The address to the WM as given by WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW, the address to the Wardens by WBro Stuart Rayton and the address to the Brethren by WBro Paul Aspinall PAGDC.

Reports were received from the WBro Rayton (Acting Almoner) in the absence of WBro Derek Smith PProvGReg, Almoner, WBro Heskett, CS presented the Charity Report, and WBro Ken Lee, District Representative gave his report.

The WM then presented WBro Kirwilliam with an envelope containing details of donations to various Charities. WBro Kirwilliam thanked the WM and Brethren for these most generous donations of £1000 to the 2026 Festival, £1000 to the ELMC, and £1,200 to local charities and good causes.

WBro Alan Kirwilliam then presented WBro Grishakow, WM with a commemorative certificate from the members of the Lodge.

Other business of the Lodge was transacted and in AOB WBro Donald Bright PProvJGW requested that everyone present to stay behind after the Lodge was closed for the usual photographs.

There being no further business the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony, and an excellent and jovial Installation Festive Board followed.


The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 17 members and 17 visitors were present from Lodges in the Provinces of East Lancs, West Lancs, and Galloway (Scotland).

WBro Graham Grishakow, WM



Lodge St. Medans No.1335
Province of Galloway

The Annual Trip To St Medans
























** Summer Recess **








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