The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283
~~ 2021 ~~
[ Click photos for more details ]
This year has not starting on a good note as the Coronavirus Covid-19 is still with us. All Masonic activity has been suspended by UGLE, which means that we can no longer meet in our Masonic Halls or anywhere else for that matter, we can only meet virtually through video technology.
26 January 2021: INSTALLATION - VLM
The Lodge was unable to meet due to Covid-19. However, a VLM was held by video technology. The Lodge Committee had recommended that the WM and all the Officers should stay in post for the ensuing year as they could not perform their duties for the most part of last year, this was approved at the VLM in December 2020.
The VLM was opened by the WM, WBro Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC welcoming everyone to what would have in normal times been our Installation meeting. There were 16 members and 6 visitors present.
The minutes of the last VLM were approved by a show of hands
The DC asked the WM if he would appoint his officers which he did. All the 2020 Officers will stay in post for a further year and new Officers were appointed as follows:
- WBro Alan Fielder ProvAGStdB as Mentor.
- WBro Stuart Rayton PProvGSwdB as Senior Deacon.
- Bro Vincent Frain as Inner Guard.
- Bro Peter Chapman and Bro Peter Farrow as Stewards.
The full list of Officers is shown [here].
The Almoner WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC and the Charity Steward WBro Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC both gave their reports
The Secretary read the communications and correspondence and visiting Brethren tendered greetings. There being no other business the Lodge was closed by the SW, Bro Ken Lee and the JW Bro Will Atkinson.
There was just time to draw the Installation Raffle before admitting the non-Masonic visitors. The winners were:
- Number 187 - WBro Greg Casson he opted for the 'Jack Daniels'
- Number 108 - WBro Dennis Heskett who claimed the set of drinking glasses.
- Number 194 - WBro Greg Casson having won one prize request that the number be redrawn.
- Number 30 - The final prize a bottle of wine to WBro Steve Barton.
The raffle raised the fantastic sum of £300 for Charity.
An Artistic Journey through Lockdown
Six non-Masonic visitors were then admitted to the meeting to hear a superb presentation by WBro Steve Crowther entitled 'An Artistic Journey through Lockdown'. The presentation was Steve's own personal journey and was most interesting and well received with a Q and A session afterwards. The WM thanked WBro Crowther for his presentation. The Tyler then gave the Tyler's Toast to end the evening.
09 February 2021 - 283 Coffee Shop
Eleven members dropped in to the 283 Coffee Shop to have a chat and a laugh. Some good discussion evolved covering a multitude of subjects, including the Pathway planning, Covid vaccinations, overseas travel and changes to the Pet Passport scheme.
The Secretary gave a reminder of the Pathway Zoom presentation on Thursday evening and also some zoom meetings for other Lodges in our District.
Another enjoyable get together over a coffee.
23 February 2021 - VLM
The VLM was opened by WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD in the absence of the WM and the IPM. The minutes of the last VLM were approved by a show of hands. The next business on the agenda was a presentation entitled "Our Lodge Website - a Journey of Discovery" by the Webmaster, WBro Stuart Rayton PProvGSwdB. The walkthrough was well received; WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB proposed a vote of thanks and the Brethren responded in the usual Masonic manner.
A report was received from the Almoner WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC, with no reports from the CS or Treasurer. In AOB, WBro Alan Fielder ProvAGStdB gave a brief update on the progress of the "Pathway" scheme. The five visiting Brethren tendered greetings and commented on the presentation. There being no further business the VLM was closed and the Tyler proposed the Tyler's toast to end the evening.
23 March 2021 - VLM
The VLM was opened by WBro Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC although WBro Heskett was slightly late joining the meeting the IPM WBro Ray Godwin ProvGStwd pretended to have opened the meeting by declaring 'the meeting is therefore open' just as the WM joined the meeting. The joke was taken light-heartedly by the WM who then proceeded to open the meeting proper. The minutes of the last VLM were approved by a show of hands. The next business on the agenda was a presentation by the WM entitled "The Place & Role of the Master of the Lodge" a paper by WBro Revd Neville Barker Cryer PGChap, Prestonian Lecturer (1974) and Batham Lecturer (1996-1998). The presentation was well received by the Brethren.
A report was received from the Almoner WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC, and a report from the CS. Fourteen Members and eight visitors attended the meeting. The visiting Brethren tendered greetings and commented on the presentation. There being no further business the VLM was closed and the Tyler proposed the Tyler's toast to end the evening.
06 April 2021 - 283 Coffee Shop
Eight of the Brethren dropped in for a social catch up on Tuesday evening. A diverse range of topics were discussed, including the feedback that had been collated from the Lodge Planning survey. The members explored ideas that could help attract more people into the craft, including potentially making Freemasonry meetings and ritual more accessible, organising Lodge room tours and generally raising the profile of Lodges within their communities. All agreed that the maintenance of traditions remains an especially important aspect of Freemasonry.
The sad story of Brother Gabriel Bullock who fell in the Great War was talked about and there was a great deal of enthusiasm shown for a potential Lodge trip to tour the battlefields of Northern France and to lay a tribute on his grave in the Somme.
Reminders of upcoming online events were shared and the Brethren looked forward to the time when they could again meet and socialise in person.
27 April 2021
The Worshipful Master, WBro D Heskett, PProvDepGDC was unable to attend the meeting and had recorded his apologies. In his absence WBro M Rosney, PProvSGD, DC chaired the meeting. The meeting was opened at 7:10pm by WBro Rosney, who welcomed all those present, including ten visitors, to the meeting. We had 9 members and 10 visitors in attendance at this meeting.
The main business of the evening was to receive a presentation by WBro Godwin, entitled "Bro Gabriel Bullock - Wherever Right and Glory Leads". WBro Godwin thanked WBro Rosney and gave a short preamble to a film he had produced using previously researched material in addition to plenty of newly discovered information gathered during his own very recent research.
WBro Godwin explored the history of Bro Bullock and his family, the times in which they lived and the Haslingden area. He moved on to look at the progression of the first world war, the transition to conscripted service personnel and Bro Bullock as a gunner in France where he met his untimely death on the 15th of September 1918, just 57 days before armistice. The film was outstanding in content and production and all those present were thoroughly gripped by the poignant content.
WBro Rosney thanked WBro Godwin for his excellent presentation and acknowledged the effort and research that must have gone into such a fine piece of production.
The Brethren showed their appreciation with a silent round of applause as they were all muted. WBro Godwin reminded the Brethren that the Lodge members have agreed to display a photo of Bro Bullock and make mention of him at our September meetings on the anniversary of his death. WBro S Rayton, PProvGSwdB, SD has procured two replica medals and WBro Godwin a cap badge from Bro Bullock's regiment which will all be displayed in the photo frame along with Bro Bullock's image. The members have also agreed to lay a wreath in his memory at Haslingden war memorial on Armistice Day in November each year.
The Almoner, Charity Steward and Accounts and Financial reports were received.
The visitors tendered greetings and the meeting was closed in peace and harmony at 7:58pm.
25 May 2021
This was the first face to face Lodge meeting since March 2020, although it was held under the 'Rule of SIX' plus the Tyler, all were wearing face masks and socially distanced. Several Brethren were multi-tasking with various Offices of the Lodge. The Masonic Hall had provided additional Face Masks and sanitation stations throughout the Hall.
The Brethren present were:
- WBo Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC WM,
- WBro Ray Godwin ProvGStwd IPM,
- Bro Ken Lee SW,
- Bro Will Atkinson JW,
- WBro Russ Harwood PProvGSwdB Sec,
- WBro Mike Rosney PProvSGD DC and
- WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB Tyler.
All in all, the meeting went very well, the WM and the brethren present successfully worked through the Summons and Balloted for our Candidate for Initiation Mr Bogdan Manoliu which proved successful and he will be Initiated in September, rules permitting.
The Brethren agreed it was good to meet face to face after such a long time away from the Masonic Hall.
01 July 2021 - 283 Coffee Shop
Our District Chairman Dave McGurty, our prospective candidate, a joining member and 10 members dropped into the Coffee Shop for a chat and a catch-up. A minute of reflexion was observed in respect of departed merit of Bro. Vincent Frain who died 26 June 2021. A wide range of topics were discussed including the latest fishing trip of Andy and Ray into Morecambe Bay, to view their story click here. Andy is planning a 3-4 day fishing trip to Oban in Scotland later this year, if anyone is interested in joining him, please let him know as soon as possible. The banter was again lively and jovial, a good night all round.
14 September 2021
The Lodge was opened in due form by WBro Ray Godwin ProvGStwd, IPM in the absence of the WM, WBro Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC who is still recovering from Covid -19.
Bro Peter Moore was acting IG due to the death of Bro Vinny Frain.
† WBro Godwin welcomed Brethren to our meeting and then requested the Brethren to stand to order in respect of departed merit of Bro Vinny Frain IG. A eulogy was then given by WBro Alan Fielder ProvAGStB, Mentor, JD. †
† WBro Godwin then agave an oration regarding the death of Bro Gabriel Bullock who was killed close to the end of WW1. After the oration the Brethren stood to order in respect of departed merit. †
The next business was to read the summons convening the meeting and to approve the minutes of the last regular Lodge meeting. Which were approved and signed by the IPM, SW and JW.
Officers who were not present at the May meeting due to Covid restrictions were invested by WBro Godwin. These were:
- Chaplain - WBro Ian Haworth PProvJGD
- Almoner - WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC
- Mentor - WBro Alan Fielder ProvAStdB
- Senior Deacon - WBro Stuart Rayton PProvGSwdB
- Junior Deacon - WBro Alan Fielder ProvAStdB
- Inner Guard - No IG invested
The main item of business was to Initiate Mr. Bogdan Manoliu into Freemasonry and this Lodge. WBro Raymond Godwin, IPM invited WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD, DC to occupy the Chair to work the Initiation ceremony. The Candidate was escorted on his progress around the Lodge by WBro Alan Fielder JD in an excellent manner assisted by WBro Stuart Rayton SD. WBro Rosney worked the ceremony in a most excellent manner, ably assisted by the Officers of the Lodge. WBro Rosney gave the Address to the NE Corner and WBro Steve Barton PAGDC presented and explained the Working Tools in an excellent manner. Bro Peter Moore gave the Charge after Initiation in an exemplary manner and with great feeling. Indeed, all worked the ceremony to the highest standard and the best traditions of the Lodge. Mr. Manoliu was well and truly initiated into Freemasonry and welcomed into the Lodge by all the Brethren.
WBro Godwin presented Bro Manoliu with the Lodge Initiate Certificate to mark the occasion.
Reports were received from the following: The Almoner.
The minutes recorded apologies from members and some frequent visitors, however, 17 members and 9 visitors were present.
Greetings from Grand Lodge were given by WBro Steve Barton PAGDC. Greetings from Provincial Grand Lodge were given by WBro Dave McGurty JP PAGDC ProvJGW.
Visiting Brethren tendered greetings WBro B Pollard PProvDepGDC of Limestone Rock, 369; WBro A Ashton (PProvDepGDC West Lancs) of Harmony and Industry, 381 and WBro G Cornthwaite PProvSGD of Rhyddings, 5205.
The Lodge was closed, and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board to enjoy an excellent meal of:
- Roasted Tomato and Red Pepper soup
- Pork with mushroom sauce, honey glazed carrots, green beans and baby potatoes or
- Salmon fillet with honey glazed carrots, green beans and baby potatoes.
After Bro Manoliu had responded to the toast to his health, the Secretary sprang a surprise on him by projecting a video onto the large screen. It was a personal message of congratulations from WBro Florian Birlea the Deputy Grand Secretary of the National Grand Lodge of Romania, a personal and close Masonic friend of Bro Bogdan back in Bucharest, which made the evening even more special for Bro Bogdan and the Lodge. Unfortunately, WBro Birlea's planned visit was cancelled at the last minute due to Covid complications.
WBro Alan Fielder, Mentor presented Bro Manoliu with the EA booklet.
A great evening enjoyed by all, a great ceremony and a fantasic festive board, glad to be back.
19 October 2021
The Lodge was opened in due form by the Worshipful Master, WBro Dennis Heskett PProvDepGDC
WBro Michael Rosney PPovSGD, DC was acting IPM and Bro Jason Fitzgerald was acting IG.
The Secretary WBro Russell Harwood PProvGSwdB read the Lodge Bylaws.
The WM invited WBro Rayton PProvGSwdB, SD to present an explanation of the First-Degree Tracing Board. WBro Rayton invited Bro Bogdan Manoliu, EA to join him on the mosaic pavement to receive the explanation. After the presentation Bro Manoliu resumed his seat and the WM thanked WBro Rayton for the most excellent manner in which the Tracing Board had been delivered, the Brethren then responded in the usual Masonic manner and WBro Rayton resumed his seat.
WBro Harwood gave a Notice of Motion that at out next regular meeting he would propose Bro Jason Fitzgerald as a joining member of the Lodge.
Reports were received from the Almoner and Charity Steward.
After other items of business had been concluded the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony. 15 Lodge members and 4 visitors were in attendance.
14 November 2021 - Remembrance Sunday
WBro Ray Godwin ProvGStwd, IPM laid a wreath on behalf of the Lodge at the Haslingden War Memorial today, the 14th of November 2021, in memory of all who made the ultimate sacrifice and those who have suffered during the world's conflicts.
The wreath was laid in special recognition of Bro Gabriel Bullock aged 30, a member of our Lodge who was killed the 15th of September 1918 on the Somme.
16 November 2021
The Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer by the WM, Bro D Heskett PProvDepGDC at 6:44pm. Bro Jason Fitzgerald a visitor and prospective joining member was acting IG.
The next business was to Pass Bro Peter Farrow to the Degree of a Fellow Craft. The WM asked all EA's to leave the Lodge for a short time. The test questions were then put to Bro Farrow who answered them with confidence and faultlessly. The Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree and the WM invited WBro D Smith, PProvDepGDC to occupy the chair for the purpose of conducting the ceremony. Bro Farrow was then admitted and Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft in an excellent manner by WBro Smith.
- WBro S Rayton, PProvGSwdB, SD Deaconed Bro Farrow with confidence and reassured him throughout.
- WBro A Fielder, ProvAGStB, JD gave the address to the SE corner and
- WBro Harwood presented the WT's.
- Bro K Lee, SW delivered the Charge after Passing
WBro Smith invited the WM reoccupied his rightful place in the Lodge. The DC allowed the WM to square the Lodge then rose to escort WBro Smith to his seat; prompting the WM exclaim "what's going on here then"? The WM then congratulated Bro Farrow, presented the Certificate of Passing from the Lodge and invited him to occupy his rightful place in the Lodge.
All officers who took part, worked the ceremony extremely well. The WM thanked WBro Smith for taking on the ceremony and for the excellent way in which it was completed. He also thanks all those who had taken part, saying that it went very well considering it was such a long time since we last worked a 2nd Degree Ceremony. The Lodge was closed from the 2nd Degree to the 1st Degree and EA's were readmitted.
Various notices of motion and propositions were received.
The Almoner and CS both gave their reports
Greetings were received from visiting Brethren:
- Greetings were given by Bro C Lawes, La Chaine de Fraternite, 1611 (GLNF) who gave greetings in French. This translated to "Worshipful Master, I bring you sincere greetings from my lodge, The Chain of Fraternity 1611. The Temple of King Solomon in Vienne, France and from our Worshipful Master Jean Claude Caliera"
- Greetings were also given by Bro J Fitzgerald acting IG, from Stratfield Mortimer Lodge No.8239, who congratulated everyone on the work undertaken and Bro Farrow on his progression. The WM thanked Bro Fitzgerald on his own work in the Lodge as IG adding that it wouldn't be long until he's performing the same as a Lodge member.
15 Lodge members attended plus 2 visitors and 12 apologies.
The Lodge was closed and the Brethren then retired to the Festive Board where we were joined by 2 prospective candidates.
8 December 2021 - Step into Christmas
That is exactly what 283 members, wives, partners and friends did on the 08 December 2021 when they attended the Lodge Christmas Dinner at Mill House.
Traditional Christmas Dinner with musical entertainment from the twins Livia and Alex - what could be better!
14 December 2021 - Business Meeting
Several members were unable to attend due to illness. WBro Ray Godwin IPM ProvGStwd, was acting WM, WBro Michael Rosney DC PProvSGD was acting IPM and acting Chaplain, WBro Derek Smith Almoner PProvDepGDC was acting JW, WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB was acting SD and Bro Jason Fitzgerald was acting IG.
† Prior to opening the Lodge, WBro R Godwin asked the Brethren to stand to order in memory of Mrs Edna Rothwell, wife of WBro K Rothwell PProvJGD, who had passed away on the 5th December. †
The acting WM advised that there had been only one nominee for the office of Worshipful Master for the ensuing year, that being Bro Kenneth Lee, SW. The acting WM asked if there were any other nominees, and on there being none, declared Bro Lee Worshipful Master Elect. Bro Lee thanked the Brethren for their confidence.
WBro Graham Grishakow, PProvGStB, was re-elected as Treasurer
WBro David Bury, PProvGSuptWks and Bro Will Atkinson, JW were re-elected as the Accounts Examination Committee.
WBro D Bright PProvGSwdB, acting SD proposed that the WM be empowered to appoint a Tyler for the ensuing year from amongst the subscribing members without emolument. Seconded by WBro A Fielder ProvAGStB, JD and approved by the Brethren.
WBro Grishakow Treasurer, proposed the Fees for the ensuing year which were approved by the members.
Following the notice of motion and in the absence of WBro Heskett, CS, WBro Harwood, Sec proposed certain charitable donations which were approved by the members.
A ballot was taken for Bro Jason Fitzgerald to become a joining member of the Lodge which proved in his favour.
Following the notice of motion WBro Harwood proposed and WBro Rosney seconded Mr Ian Moore for initiation into the Lodge.
Reports were received from the Almoner, Charity Steward and District Rep.
WBro Grishakow advised that the Lodge Bank Accounts were being moved from HSBC to NatWest and the accounts would be renamed.
Bro Lee proposed and WBro Fielder seconded that the Lodge purchase a number in the District 100 Club. The purchase would be made from the Lodge revenue account and any winnings would then be paid into that same account. This was approved by the Brethren present. WBro Bright asked the Sec to record his thanks to all who contributed to the organisation of the Christmas meal, which was a most enjoyable evening.
The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony, there was no festive board.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you All