The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283
~~ 2023 ~~
10 January 2023 - Installation Meeting
The Installation of WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW into the Chair of the Lodge.
The WM requested that the Brethren stand to order in respect of Mrs Ann Bury who had passed away 27 November 2022, she was a widow of a Past Master of the Lodge WBro Ronnie Bury
The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM Bro Ken Lee.
The WM then welcomed two new joining members to the Lodge Bro Stephen Ormerod and Bro Clive Lawes.
WBro Gerald (Gerry) Hodson PAGDC was admitted accompanied with other Grand Lodge Officers, the East Ribble District Chairman and the RWProvGM of Galloway, Scotland. Salutations were given accordingly.
For the purpose of Installation, the WIM invited WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC to occupy the SW's Chair, WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD to occupy the JW's chair, WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB to act as IG and WBro Ray Godwin ProvSGD to remain as Tyler. The WIM then requested all Brethren below the rank of a FC to retire for a short time and the Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree.
The main business of the meeting was to install WBro Stuart Rayton, JW, WME into the Chair of this old Lodge. WBro M Rosney ProvSGD, DC, presented WBro Rayton, JW, WME to the WIM. WBro Rayton reaffirmed his agreement to the Ancient Charges and Regulations before advanced to the pedestal to reaffirm his obligation. All Brethren below the rank of a MM retired for a short time and the Lodge was opened in the Third-Degree.
After all those below the rank of an Installed Master had retired from the Lodge, a Board of IM's was opened by ritual and the WME, WBro Rayton was installed into the Chair of King Solomon by the WBro Lee, who performed the Ceremony of Installation in an excellent manner. The WT of an IM were presented and explained in an excellent manner by WBro C Harris a past member of the Lodge, now a member of Lodge St. Medans 1335 (SC). The Lodge was called off for a comfort break.
The Lodge was called on and WBro Rosney closed the B of IM by ritual. Work resumed in the various Degrees with:
- WBro Casson presented the WT's of a MM.
- WBro Casson presented the WT's of a FC.
- WBro Casson presented the WT's of an EA.
- The Warrants, Book of Constitutions, By-Laws, Banners and Bible Fall were presented by WBro Ken Lee, IPM
All performed their work in an excellent manner, to the usual high standard and with sincerity.
The WM was requested to appoint and invest his officers. Officers who were unable to attend the Installation will be invested at some future date.
The address to the WM as given by WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC, the address to the Wardens by WBro Steve Barton PAGDC and the address to the Brethren by WBro Paul Aspinall PAGDC.
Reports were received from the Almoner, CS presented by WBro Harwood, Secretary in the absence of WBro Heskett PProvGReg, and the District Representative.
WBro Gerry Hodson PAGDC presented WBro Rayton WM with a commemorative certificate from the members of the Lodge. The WM then presented WBro Hodson with a cheque for £1,000.00 from the Lodge for him to pass on to the ELMC on our behalf. WBro Hodson thanked the WM and Brethren for this most generous donation.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 19 members and 22 visitors were present from Lodges in the Provinces of East Lancs, West Lancs, Ireland and Galloway (Scotland).
The Lodge was closed, and an excellent and jovial Installation Festive Board followed.
31 January 2023 - First-Degree Ceremony.
The WM extended a warm welcome to all the visitors before the Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, WBro S Rayton PProvJGW at 6:39 pm,
The WM welcomed WBro D McGurty PAGDC AProvGM and offered him the gavel and expressed a desire that he would take it and occupy the Chair. WBro McGurty initially said "well let's see how that goes for you", which the WM and Brethren found very funny. WBro McGurty added that it's always a privilege to receive the gavel in any Lodge but particularly from the WM of Amity and Rossendale Forest. He added that this was the first time he had been able to visit 283 since being appointed to AProvGM and it was a pleasure to be with us, but there was no chance he was about to take the gavel and handed it back.
Salutations were given to WBro McGurty who thanked the WM and Brethren for their kind salutations. Salutations were also given to WBro D Lightbown PAGDC who also thanked the WM and Brethren for their kind salutations.
The WM re-invested WBro D Heskett PProvGReg as Charity Steward, invested Bro P Moore as SD, re-invested Bro P Farrow as Steward, and invested WBro Heskett as Tyler.
The WM advised that the next business was to Initiate Mr Peter Gregory. Upon an alarm, the candidate, Mr Gregory was admitted, and the ceremony conducted by the WM in an excellent manner, assisted by officers of the Lodge. Bro J Fitzgerald JD conducted the candidate reassuringly, WBro R Harwood PProvGSwdB, Sec presented the North-East Corner, and Bro B Manoliu IG presented and explained the WTs in an outstanding manner. The WM advised Bro Gregory of the authority by which we act and proceeded to presented him with the BofC and Lodge By-laws, before asking him to retire to restore himself to his personal comfort.
There was a report and Bro Gregory was readmitted and conducted to the centre of the Lodge. WBro K Lee, IPM delivered the Charge after Initiation from the S; the delivery was outstanding, given with clarity and sincerity. The test questions and answers were demonstrated by the WM and his Wardens. The WM welcomed Bro Gregory into the Lodge and presented him with his Lodge EA certificate before inviting him to take his seat in Lodge.
The WM presented and WBro Fielder PProvJGD, JW explained the Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro B Manoliu. The explanation was completed in an excellent and very sincere manner. Bro Manoliu signed his Grand Lodge Certificate at the Secretary's desk before taking his seat in the Lodge.
WBro Harwood gave notice of motion that at the next meeting he will propose Bro Robert John Dickinson, as a joining member of the Lodge.
Reports were received from the Almoner, CS and District Rep.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 22 members and 6 visitors were present one of whom was from Ireland.
The Lodge was closed at 8:30pm, and an excellent and good-humoured Festive Board followed.
Lodge St. Medans No.1335
Province of Galloway
On Saturday the 18 February 2023, the Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest made another journey North to Scotland to visit our Scottish Brethren in Lodge St. Medans No.1335. Our plan was for us all to meet at Tebay services on the M6 at 09:00hrs for breakfast, which we did, some a little earlier than others. Ray Godwin ordered a full English breakfast but then decided he would get into the spirit of the trip and have a haggis with it, we had all finished our breakfast by the time Ray had got his Haggis.
However, we all left Tebay on schedule and arrive at the Craignelder Hotel before 12 noon, we booked in and got changed ready for the day ahead. We had pre-meeting drinks in the bar/restaurant of the Hotel, well it would be rude not to, whilst we waited for our transportation to the Lodge in Drummore which was provided by Brethren of St. Medans
On arrival at the Masonic Hall in Drummore, we were greeted and invited to partake of sandwiches and tea/coffee before entering the Lodge room for the meeting. The Installation of Brother Callum James Gibb Brown as Right Worshipful Master started at 14:00hrs. The members of the Installing Board were Bro. Andrew Mcllwraith PM.1335, Bro William Scott PM.208 (Stranraer Kilwinning) and Bro Francis Scott PM.208 (Stranraer Kilwinning).
After the Installation we all retired to the Masonic Hall on Sun Street, Stranraer. This building was originally a Secession Church, but now converted into a Masonic Hall, where we feasted on Lentil Soup - Steak Pie with Roast and Creamed potatoes, carrot, broccoli, and cauliflower - Sticky Toffee Pudding with Ice Cream - Tea and Coffee with Shortbread and Cookies.
Following on from the Festive Board three of our Scottish Brethren took us to an old Stranraer Pub, 'The Grapes', where we got a friendly reception apart from one old guy who obviously didn't like the English and certainly didn't like the English invading his Pub, he left soon after. Some of us left late evening to go back to the Hotel but others, blessed with more stamina, stayed till the early hours of Sunday Morning.
The Lodge at Drummore
The Brethren of Amityrf283 were asked to wear our own Provincial Ties by the Provincial Grand Master of Galloway,
it would have been rude to refuse. Three generations of Festive Provincial Ties were on display.
WBro Ray Godwin ProvSGD being an acting Provincial Officer in the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire was invited to join the Provincial Grand Lodge Officers of Galloway for the meeting. He is stood between the Deputy Provincial Grand Master on the Left and the Provincial Grand Chaplain on the right in the image above.
The Festive Board
at the Masonic Hall, Sun Street, Stranraer.
After the Installation we all retired to the Masonic Hall on Sun Street, Stranraer, the home of Stranraer Kilwinning No.208. This building was originally a Secession Church, but now converted into a Masonic Hall, where we feasted on Lentil Soup - Steak Pie with Roast and Creamed potatoes, carrot, broccoli, and cauliflower - Sticky Toffee Pudding with Ice Cream - Tea and Coffee with Shortbread and Cookies.
The Master's Song
sung by WBro. Ray Godwin
The Masters Song - sung by WBro Ray Godwin ProvSGD
Happy have we meet - Happy have we been - Sorry to part - But happy to meet again
The Grapes Public House
Popular and welcoming 19th-c local, simple and old-fashioned, with a couple of well kept ales and over 60 malts, regular traditional music in bar or upstairs room; dogs welcome, courtyard seating, open all day.
A great day had by all - now off to bed - roll on next year........
Bi-Centennial meeting of Lime-stone Rock Lodge No.369 [1822-2022]
Eight members of the Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest attended the Bi-Centennial meeting of Lime-stone Rock at the Lodge Rooms in the Conservative Club, Clitheroe on Thursday 23 February 2023. It was a great evening and a once in a lifetime experience for most Masons. A brief history of the Lodge was read by the Secretary, and it was interesting to hear that the Lodge of Amity was represented at the very first meeting of Limestone Rock in 1822.
7 March 2023 - Third-Degree Ceremony.
The WM extended a warm welcome to the Brethren and all the visitors. The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, WBro S Rayton PProvJGW. WBro Ken Lee IPM was acting JW and WBro Derek Smith PProvDepGDC was acting IPM.
The WM's of our family of Lodges were admitted and introduced to the WM by the DC WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD.
- Albert Edward Lodge No.1519 - WBro Tom Pearson PProvDepGDC
- Prosperity Lodge No.5206 - Bro Tony Haslam
- Rhyddings Lodge No.5205 - Bro Simon Gilrane
The Summons convening the meeting was read and the minutes of our last regular Lodge were confirmed.
The main business of the meeting was to Raise Bro Peter Farrow to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. The ceremony was to by conducted by WBro Graham Grishakow PProvGStB, but unfortunately he had been taken ill and was unable to attend the meeting. Bro Farrow answered the test questions of a Fellow-craft in a confident and clear manner and was entrusted with the credentials to be admitted to a Lodge in a superior Degree, he then retired for preparation. The ceremony was then conducted by the WM assisted by the officers of the Lodge in a most excellent manner. The candidate was guided throughout the ceremony by Bro Peter Moore SD, The Charge after Raising was given by WBro Ken Lee with Bro Jason Fitzgerald JD explaining the Working Tools of the Degree. The Traditional History and Tracing Board were explained by WBro Steve Barton PAGDC in a most excellent manner. An outstanding performance from all those involved in the ceremony.
In the absence of the Treasurer, WBro Grishakow, the Lodge and Charity Accounts were deferred until the April meeting.
WBro Russell Harwood PProvGSwdB proposed Bro Robert John Dickinson as a joining member of the Lodge, this was seconded by WBro Michael Rosney.
Reports were received from the Almoner, Charity Steward, and the District Representative.
- First rising: WBro Mike Church-Taylor PAGReg gave greetings from United Grand Lodge.
- Second rising: WBro Bruce Pollard ProvGTyler gave greetings from Provincial Grand Lodge.
- Third rising: The Sec reported the following:
On the 14th of May WBro Steve Barton will be taking on Velocity 2 at Zipworld in North Wales. He'll be part of the group from East Lancashire raising funds for The 2026 Festival. Steve is doing the event in the name of both Grants Lodge and our own Lodge, and the funds raised will be donated equally, in the names of both Lodges, so please support Steve and the MCF.
There are a few District 100 Club numbers still available and I'm sure our Deputy Chairman, WBro Andrew Taylor would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to sign up for one. They cost £24 per year, pay cash prizes and allow the District to assist local good causes.
The Sec finished by giving details of the received summonses and apologies.
- WBro Lee asked if all attending would stay behind after the Lodge was closed for photograph for the website.
- The WM explained that several Brethren had been to visit St. Medans Lodge in Galloway, Scotland in February for their Installation meeting. The WM of St. Medans had expressed a wish that we should bring back his hearty fraternal greetings and best wishes to our Lodge, which was cordially done.
WBro Tom Pearson, WM of Albert Edward Lodge No.1519 gave greetings on behalf of all the visitors
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, there were 19 members and 14 visitors in the Lodge and 17 members and 12 visitors, plus 1 prospective candidate at the festive board.
There being no other business the Lodge was closed in peace a harmony and the Brethren retired to the festive board.
~ Festive Board Menu ~
- Pulled Pork in BBQ sauce on a brioche bun with chips and coleslaw.
- Option: Fish goujons on a brioche bun with tartar sauce, chips and coleslaw.
- Cheese and biscuits - Tea or Coffee.
The Travelling Gavel
On Wednesday the 8th of March'23, ten members of the Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283 enjoyed an outstanding ceremony at the Initiation of Mr Derek Troughton, now Bro Troughton, into Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No.462. A most enjoyable evening was had by all, and Bro Troughton was congratulated on taking his first step in Freemasonry by everyone there.
At the end of a wonderful festive board the ten members of A&RF283 made a claim for the Travelling Gavel. WBro Paul Smillie PProvGSwdB, the Worshipful Master was pleased to present it to Bro Peter Gregory, the newest member of A&RF, adding that he hoped it would encourage visiting and they would certainly make an attempt to reclaim it in the future.
4 April 2023 - Second-Degree Ceremony
Bro Jan Buchhilc
WBro S Rayton PProvJGW, WM gave his apologies on the day due to a family emergency. WBro D Smith PProvDepGDC, Almoner stood in at short notice. WBro Haworth PProvJGD acted as IPM, WBro R Godwin ProvSGD as Tyler and WBro G Casson PProvGSwdB as IG.
WBro Smith opened the Lodge in due form and WBro R Harwood PProvGSwdB, Sec read the summons convening the meeting. The circulated minutes of the last regular meeting were approved and signed by WBro Smith and the Wardens.
The next business was to Pass Bro Jan Buchholc to the 2nd Degree. Bro Buchholc escorted by Bro Jason Fitzgerald JD, answered the 'Test Questions' perfectly, he then retired for preparation. The Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree. Bro Buchholc was admitted and Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft in an admirable manner by WBro Smith. Bro P Moore, SD, Deaconed Bro Buchholc with confidence and reassured him throughout. WBro Fielder PProvJGD gave the address to the SE corner, WBro Harwood presented the full version of the WT's, and Bro W Atkinson, SW delivered the Charge after Passing. The test questions and answers were demonstrated by WBro Smith and the Wardens. WBro Smith then congratulated Bro Buchholc, presented his Certificate of Passing and invited him to occupy his rightful place in the Lodge. All officers who took part, worked the ceremony extremely well. The Lodge was closed in the 2nd Degree by virtue and work resumed in the 1st Degree.
The Lodge and Charity accounts for 2022 were approved.
A successful ballot was completed for Bro Robert John Dickinson, a past member of Lodge of Fidelity and Crusaders, No.269, as a joining member of the Lodge. His proposer, WBro Harwood thanked the brethren for the confidence they had placed in his candidate.
Reports were requested from the Almoner, CS and District Rep.
- First rising: WBro Brian Carter PAGDC gave greetings from United Grand Lodge. He congratulated WBro Smith on his work at very short notice and the officers who had taken part. He also congratulated Bro Buchholc on taking his second step in Freemasonry and wished him many happy years in this "old, established Lodge".
- Second rising: WBro R Godwin, ProvSGD gave greetings from Province. He echoed the sentiments of WBro Carter, adding his own congratulations to Bro Buchholc.
WBro Chris Harris ProvJGD (SC) brought greetings from Bro Andrew Mcilwraith, the RW Provincial Grand Master of Galloway, also adding his own greetings as an acting officer. He congratulated Bro Buchholc on the way in which he answered the test questions. - Third rising: The Sec confirmed that WBro Malcolm Roe would be giving a presentation on the Festival and the MCF at the meeting on the 30th of May. He also gave details of the next White Table event which will be hosted by Hyndburn Lodge of Installed Masters on Monday the 24th of April. The Sec finished by giving details of the received summonses and apologies.
- The Sec asked certain Brethren to stay in the Lodge room after closing for the usual photos.
- The Sec advised that following a discussion at the committee meeting, the WM had authorised and pledged sponsorship of £50 each for the ProvGM and our AProvGM for the Zip Wire challenge in aid of the 2026 Festival.
Greetings from the visitors were given from each Lodge represented:
WBro Chris Harris again gave greetings this time from Bro Callum Brown the RW Master of St Medans Lodge 1353, meeting at Drummore in Galloway, Scotland.
Bro Shaun Ormerod gave greetings from Lime-stone Rock Lodge 369, congratulating WBro Smith and the officers on an excellent ceremony. He also praised Bro Buchholc for the way in which he answered the test questions.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, there were 15 members and 3 visitors plus 1 prospective candidate at the festive board.
There being no other business the Lodge was closed in piece a harmony and the Brethren retired to the festive board.
~ Festive Board Menu ~
- Fish with a white wine and herb sauce, new potatoes, and seasonal veg.
- Cheesecake
- Tea or Coffee.
2 May 2023 - Second-Degree Ceremony
Bro Peter Gregory
The WM extended a warm welcome to the Brethren and all the visitors. The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, WBro S Rayton PProvJGW.
The Summons convening the meeting was read and the minutes of our last regular Lodge were confirmed.
The major business of the evening was to Pass Bro Peter Gregory to the 2nd Degree. The WM asked all Brethren below the rank of a FC, except for Bro Gregory, to retire for a brief time, two EA's from Limestone Rock Lodge retired.
Bro Gregory was escorted throughout the first part of the ceremony in the First Degree by Bro J Fitzgerald JD. The WM assessed Bro Gregory's proficiency on answering the test questions before Passing, and concluded that he had done extremely well. Bro Gregory was then entrusted with the credentials to allow him to gain admission to a Lodge in the Second-Degree, he then retired for preparation by the Tyler.
The Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree. Bro Gregory was readmitted and Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft in an excellent manner by the WM.
Bro P Moore, SD, Deaconed Bro Gregory with confidence and reassured him throughout. Bro B Manoliu, IG gave the address to the SE corner and WBro Harwood presented the full version of the WT's, both of which were done in a most excellent manner. Once Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft, Bro Gregory retired to restore himself. Bro Gregory was readmitted and Bro W Atkinson, SW delivered the Charge after Passing. The test questions and answers before Raising were demonstrated by the WM and his Wardens. The WM then congratulated Bro Gregory, presented his Certificate of Passing and invited him to occupy his rightful place in the Lodge. All officers who took part, worked the ceremony extremely well. The Lodge was closed in the 2nd Degree by virtue and work resumed in the 1st Degree. Two EA's were readmitted.
Reports were received from the Almoner, Charity-Steward and the District Representative.
Other business of the Lodge was conducted before closing.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, nineteen members and eight visitors were present.
The Lodge was closed at 8:12pm, and an excellent and good-humoured Festive Board followed, where Limestone Rock Lodge No.369 claimed the Travelling Gavel.
Masonic Charitable Foundation Presentation
In the absence of WBro S Rayton PProvJGW, WM, WBro K Lee, IPM, occupied the Masters Chair for the meeting. WBro I Haworth PProvJGD acted as IPM, WBro G Grishakow PProvGStB as JW, WBro D Smith PProvDepGDC as SD and WBro D Heskett PProvGReg as IG.
WBro Lee opened the Lodge in due form at 7:04pm.
WBro R Harwood PProvGSwdB, Sec read the summons convening the meeting. The circulated minutes of the last regular meeting were approved and signed by the WM and his Wardens.
The Lodge was called off and our Non-Masonic guests welcomed into the Lodge room. A presentation on the 2026 Festival in aid of the MCF was given by WBro M Roe, PProvDepGDC, District Charity Steward and WBro S Gilrane, Assistant District Officer. The presentation was extremely informative and well received. Those present showed their appreciation with a warm round of applause. Our non-Masonic guests retired, and the Lodge was called on.
Reports were requested from the Almoner, CS and District Rep.
Other business of the Lodge was conducted before closing. The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, fifteen members and five visitors were present.
The Lodge was closed at 8:07pm, and an excellent and good-humoured Festive Board followed.
** Summer Recess **
Activities during the Summer months.
One of our members, Bro Clive Lawes, visited his Mother Lodge "La Chaine De Fraternite No.1611" in the French Constitution on the 26 May'23. Clive who speaks French and several other languages fluently is the only Englishman and English-speaking member of the Lodge.
Un de nos membres, Bro Clive Lawes, a visité sa Loge Mère "La Chaîne De Fraternité No.1611" dans la Constitution française le 26 mai 23. Clive qui parle couramment le François et plusieurs autres langues est le seul membre anglais et anglophone de la Loge.
La convocation convoquant l'assemblée
16 June 2023 visit
L'initiation d'un nouveau franc-maçon
On the 16th of June 2023, Bro Clive Lawes whilst at his home in France, returned to his Mother Lodge to witness the Initiation of a new member. I'm sure that all the members of 283 would like to wish this new Freemason well in his Masonic journey.
Le 16 juin 2023, le Frère Clive Lawes, alors qu'il était chez lui en France, est retourné dans sa Loge Mère pour assister à l'Initiation d'un nouveau membre. Je suis sûr que tous les membres du 283 aimeraient souhaiter bonne chance à ce nouveau franc-maçon dans son parcours maçonnique.
Le frère Clive Lawes félicite son nouvel apprenti franc-maçon.
Permission has been given by LA CHAINE DE FRATERNITE No. 1611 to publish these images.
L'autorisation a été donnée par LA CHAINE DE FRATERNITE No. 1611 de publier ces images.
283 lend a helping hand at the
Todmorden Game
and Country Fair
Members of 283 with their wives/partners lent a helping hand at the Todmorden Game and Country Fair on Saturday 24 June '23. WBro Alan Fielder asked the Lodge for volunteers to help as Stewards and to exhibit any Classic Cars they may have. WBro Fielder's wife Shirley is the President, of a small team of five who arrange and promote this event every year, so we were extremely happy to assist.
The volunteers were:
- Will Atkinson
- John Hargreaves and Dawn
- Peter Moore and Clare
- Stuart Rayton
- Mick Rosney and Christine
- Derek H Smith
What a fantastic day at this larger-than-life event with a plethora of Trade, Craft and various Charity stands selling anything and everything from fast food, pet accessories, garden furniture and even to tractor wheels and tyres.
The visitors to the show were treated to fantastic displays in the arena ranging from Owls and Falconry, Ponies/horses and Show Jumping, to Dog training exhibitions and even Dog racing. But the highlight surely must have been the Camel racing; yes, I did say CAMEL RACING!
Meet the President
There were numerous attractions for the Kiddies with a Steam Engine and rides on the Mini Road Train, Fun Fair, and having their photos taken in a Police Car and Fire Engine, oh and yes, an abundance of Ice Cream and Pop. Face-painting seemed to be a favourite with the girls with some very spectacular designs.
There was quite a nice line-up of Classic vehicles, with saloon cars, sports cars, four-by-four vehicles, and an array of tractors varying in size, make and colour.
WBro Mick Rosney exhibited his 1967 Mark IIA Land Rover, (nice restoration Mick), Bro John Hargreaves his 1971 MGB Roadster and WBro Derek H Smith his 1967 BMW cabriolet 320i. The visitors to the show ground were invited to vote for their favourite vehicle by placing a wooden disc in a tub placed at the front of each vehicle. At the end of the event the vehicles were paraded round the arena, and GUESS WHO WON? You can find out later.
But for me and the rest of the younger generation there was only one star of the show - the Mini Digger!!
Camel Racing
A exceedingly popular event with two times three races during the day.
The Camels were walked round the arena and introduced to the audience together with their riders before the racing.
Classic vehicles
Well-deserved R and R for the 283 team
Will was off on traffic control duty and Stuart taking photographs.
Classic Car winner
Darth said "this one WILL WIN"
Did you guess right?.... It was our own Uncle Henry with a tally of 120 votes.
well the Kiddies did, Big and Small
The event started at 10:00 through to 17:00, but for the VIP's, invited guests and volunteers it continued into the evening with a disco and Hog roast.
© 2023 - Photos by WBro Stuart Rayton
The ancestral home of the 'de Hoghton' family since the twelfth century.
Members of 283 with family and friends pre-booked a lunch and guided tour at Hoghton Tower which is a fortified manor house near the village of Hoghton, standing on a hilltop in the beautiful rural countryside of Lancashire. From its elevated position it has wide open vistas to the Lake District, the Irish Sea, and Wales. The manor takes its name from the 'de Hoghton' family, its historical owners since at least the 12th century, however the present house dates from about 1560 - 65.
It was damaged during the Civil War and subsequently became derelict but was rebuilt and extended between 1862 and 1901. The house is a Grade l listed building, as is the Great Barn in its grounds, which is dated 1692. Also in the grounds are two structures listed at Grade II they are the coach house and stables, and the gate piers on the drive to the west of the house. The gardens are listed at Grade II on the National Register of Historic Parks and Gardens.
Unfortunately, photography was not permitted inside the main house, other than our group dining in the Billiard Room.
The outer courtyard
In the northeast corner of the lower outer courtyard is a 17th-century well house, the well is 120 feet (37 m) deep, and you can clearly see the horse-beam which is attached to the transmission mechanism, which in turn drives the magnificent oaken winding gears and winding drum for raising the water from the well, all supported by a sturdy oak framework. The individual oak gear teeth can be removed and replaced when worn - a nice bit of design to reduce downtime on such an important piece of equipment.
The well house stands on the traditional site of the original tower that was destroyed in the Civil War.
The inner courtyard
Private Lunch in the Oak panelled Billiard Room
On with the tour
The building has many interesting features including the State Bedroom which contains the State Bed carved at Samlesbury in about 1560-65. The beautifully proportioned Ballroom has fine, decorative late Victorian doors and panelling by Gillows of Lancaster. The Banqueting Hall has windows with 4,000 panes of Flemish stained glass, original decorative ceiling, and a Minstrels' gallery. The house is known to contain three priest holes, including one cut into the side of the well.
Tales of yesteryear
The Knighting of 'Sir Loin'
A commonly repeated anecdote claims that, whilst being entertained in the Great Hall during his visit, King James l was so impressed by the quality of his steak that he knighted the loin of beef at the long table that still stands there today, which was referred to thereafter as "Sirloin". The long oak table where the Knighting took place is still there and in use today!
Over the years many visitors would have been entertained in the Great Hall its external doorway into the courtyard features both a larger summer door and a smaller winter door encompassed within it.
William Shakespeare'
It has been suggested that the property has links to William Shakespeare through Alexander Hoghton who died in 1581. The extract from the Last Will and Testament shown below would seem to lend credence to the story.
© Hoghton Tower - Courtesy of Hoghton Tower
The video may take a little time to load
The Hoghton Tower Preservation Trust
The Hoghton Tower Preservation Trust is the charity that takes care of the public parts of Hoghton Tower, the gardens and all the history. It is responsible for the upkeep of this beautiful building which costs over £200K a year to run and maintain, as well as planning for its future. We are always grateful for whatever help visitors can give, whether that be by donating or joining our team of volunteers and guides (Charity Number 508357)
Acknowledgements and further reading:
Lodge St. Medans No.1335
Province of Galloway
July trip to Lodge St. Medans
Three of our members joined Brethren at Lodge St. Medans, Drummore on the 15 July'23 to witness an Initiation.
WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB - Bro. Bogdan Manoliu - WBro Graham Grishakow PProvGStB.
The Craignelder Hotel
Lodge St. Medans No.1335 at Drummore.
The "Triple Wood" retails at about £50.00.
A quick visit to the lovely, picturesque harbour village of Portpatrick
approximately 15 minutes' drive from Stranraer.
At our visit in February'23 we were invited by the WM of Lodge St. John No189 to attend their Installation on the 20 January'24. So, Greg and Bogdan did a recon of Castle Douglas to find the Masonic Hall, and they did.
Another great and welcoming trip to visit our Brothers in Scotland - hope to see some of you at our Installation in January 2024.
** Back to the Masonic Calendar **
A Night of Masonic Ritual
In the absence of Bro W Atkinson, WBro D Smith, PProvDepGDC, acted as SW for the meeting, and WBro G Grishakow, PProvGStB as Tyler.
WBro S Rayton PProvJGW, WM opened the Lodge in due form and with solemn prayer at 6:40pm.
WBro R Harwood PProvGSwdB, Sec read the summons convening the meeting. The circulated minutes of the last regular meeting were approved and signed by the WM and his Wardens.
In the absence of WBro R Godwin ProvSGD, WBro Harwood read a tribute to Bro Gabriel Bullock, a past member who gave his life in the great war. The Brethren then stood to order in respect of departed merit.
The main business of the evening was to open and close the Lodge in all three Degrees by ritual and to present the working tools in each degree. However, due to many unavoidable apologies (in the WM's words "staff shortages") the test questions and answers in each Degree were not demonstrated.
The Worshipful Master then invited Bro B Manoliu, IG to present the working tools of an EA, on completion the WM thanked Bro Manoliu and then asked all Brethren below the rank of a FC to retire for a short time; however, none were present.
The Lodge was opened in the Second Degree and Bro J Fitzgerald, JD presented the working tools of a FC. On completion the WM thanked Bro Fitzgerald and asked all Brethren below the rank of a MM to retire for a short time; however, none were present.
The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree. WBro S Barton, PAGDC presented the working tools of a MM. The WM then thanked WBro Barton and the Lodge was then closed from the third to the second Degree by ritual.
The Lodge was closed from the second to the first Degree by ritual.
The demonstration ritual was presented in an excellent manner by all involved.
The WM presented and WBro A Fielder PProvJGD, JW explained the Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro P Farrow. The explanation was completed in an excellent and very sincere manner. Bro Farrow then signed his Grand Lodge Certificate at the Secretary's desk before taking his seat in the Lodge. The WM thanked WBro Fielder for such an excellant presentation of the Grand Lodge Certificate.
Reports were received from the Almoner, Charity-Steward and the District Representative.
Other business of the Lodge was conducted before closing.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, fifteen members and one visitors were present.
24 October - Third-Degree Ceremony
In the absence of WBro Dennis Heskett, PProvGReg, WBro Ray Godwin ProvSGD acted as Tyler for the meeting.
The WM extended a warm welcome to the Brethren and all the visitors. The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, WBro S Rayton PProvJGW.
The Summons convening the meeting was read and the minutes of our last regular Lodge were confirmed.
The main business of the meeting was to Raise Bro Jan Buchholc to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. Bro Buchholc answered the questions relating to a Fellow-craft in a confident and clear manner and was entrusted with the credentials to be admitted to a Lodge in a superior Degree, he then retired for preparation.
The WM invited WBro Graham Grishakow PProvGStB to occupy the Master's Chair who worked the ceremony assisted by the officers of the Lodge in a most excellent manner. The candidate was guided throughout the ceremony by Bro Peter Moore SD, The Charge after Raising was given by WBro Ken Lee with Bro Stephen Ormerod, Steward, explaining the Working Tools of the Degree, all in a most excellent manner.
WBro Russell Harwood PProvGSwdB further to a Notice of Motion, proposed Mr. Simon David Povey as a candidate for Initiation into the Lodge, this was seconded by WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD.
Reports were received from the Almoner, Charity Steward, in the absence of the Charity Steward, WBro Harwood responded, and the District Representative.
- First rising: No United Grand Lodge Officers were present.
- Second rising: WBro Ray Godwin ProvSGD gave greetings from Provincial Grand Lodge.
- Third rising: The visiting Brethren gave greetings, one from each Lodge.
- WBro Lee asked if all attending would stay behind after the Lodge was closed for photograph for the website.
- The Secretary proposed that the Lodge purchase a PM's breast jewel, this was seconded by WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD, DC. The vote was taken by a show of hands which was passed.
- The WM explained that after the Committee meeting held on the 19 Oct'23 he had spoken to WBro David Bury PProvGSuptWks about offering him Country Membership or even Honorary Membership of the Lodge since he was unable to attend the Lodge due to his health problems. He declined the offer and stated that he would wish to remain a Full Member of the Lodge.
The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, there were 19 members and 6 visitors.
There being no other business the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony and the Brethren retired to the festive board.
~ Festive Board Menu ~
- Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, root vegetable mash, seasonal vegetables, sage and onion stuffing and gravy.
Option: Nut roast with seasonal vegetable roast potatoes and gravy, followed by: - Amarillo Cheesecake with a swirl of wiped cream and a ginger biscuit - Tea or Coffee.
12 November 2023 - Remembrance Sunday
Unfortunately, the weather was terrible, with strong winds and heavy rainfall. However, the weather did not dampen Jason's spirit and later he remarked ...
"... it was an honour and a privilege to be entrusted with the task of laying a wreath today".
Bro Jason Fitzgerald JD, laid a wreath on behalf of the Lodge at the Haslingden War Memorial today, the 12th of November 2023, in memory of all who made the ultimate sacrifice and those who have suffered during the world's conflicts.
The wreath was laid in special recognition of Bro Gabriel Bullock aged 30, a member of our Lodge who was killed the 15th of September 1918 on the Somme.
RIP Bro Gabriel
Photos courtesy of WBro Ray Godwin ProvSGD
Provincial Grand Lodge on Thursday 16 November 2023
Congratulations to the following Brethren who all received promotions
- WBro Ray Godwin promoted to PProvDepGDC.
- WBro Ian Haworth promoted to PProvDepGDC.
- WBro Derek H Smith promoted to PProvGReg.
Well done - very much deserved.
November Lodge Meeting
WBro D Bright PProvGSwdB stood in as Chaplain for the opening of the Lodge.
The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW.
The WM requested WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD, DC to admit into the Lodge room and escort the three Lodge members who received promotions at Provincial Grand Lodge on Thursday the 16th of November. WBro Derek Smith PProvGReg, WBro Ian Haworth PProvDepGDC and WBro Ray Godwin PProvDepGDC, were admitted and perambulated round the Lodge to the acclaim of the Brethren.
WBro R Harwood PProvGSwdB, Sec read the summons convening the meeting. The circulated minutes of the last regular meeting were approved and signed by the WM and his Wardens.
The Lodge was opened in the Second-Degree and then in the Third-Degree. As a completion of Bro J Buchholc's Third-Degree ceremony, WBro S Barton PAGDC presented the Traditional History and Tracing Board in an excellent manner. The WM and his Wardens then demonstrated the test questions and answers of a MM, before presenting Bro Buchholc with his Lodge ritual book and certificate of Raising. Bro Buchholc reoccupied his seat in the Lodge which was then closed to the Second-Degree and then to the First-Degree.
WBro Bright gave a presentation entitled "Where can I go After Master Mason" which the Brethren found extremely interesting and showed their appreciation with a warm round of applause.
The Sec read out the Certificate of the Master and a successful ballot was held for Mr Simon David Povey (details as per the summons) for Initiation into the Lodge. His proposer, WBro Harwood, thanked the Brethren for their confidence in his candidate.
Reports were requested from the Almoner, CS and Northern Area Rep.
There were twenty members and three visitors in attendance.
Other business was transacted, and the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony. The Brethren then retired to the Festive Board to dine on:
- Roast Tomato and Red Pepper soup.
- Salmon Fillet with new potatoes, root vegetable mash, with dill mayo and seasonal veg.
- Tea or Coffee.
December is our business meeting and Christmas Festive Board.
WBro D Bright PProvGSwdB stood in as SW and WBro D Heskett PProvGReg as IG.
The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW
WBro R Harwood PProvGSwdB, Sec read the summons convening the meeting. The circulated minutes of the last regular meeting were approved and signed by the WM and his Wardens.
WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD, JW was elected and declared Worshipful Master Elect.
WBro Grishakow PProvGStdB was re-elected as Treasurer for the ensuing year. WBro Grishakow thanked the Brethren for their continued trust.
Following notice of motion WBro Grishakow, Treasurer proposed certain membership fees be adopted. WBro Heskett, CS seconded the proposition and the Brethren approved. The Treasurer thanked the WM and Brethren and asked that all 2024 dues be paid in early January.
The WM advised that there had been only two nominees for the Accounts Examination Committee, being WBro Stuart Rayton, WM and Bro Will Atkinson, SW. The WM asked if there were any other nominees, and there being none, declared himself elected and Bro Atkinson re-elected as the Accounts Examination Committee for the ensuing year.
Bro P Moore, SD proposed that the WM be empowered to appoint a Tyler for the ensuing year from amongst the subscribing members without emolument. Seconded by Bro J Fitzgerald, JD and approved by the Brethren.
Following notice of motion WBro Heskett, CS, proposed that certain sums of money be donated to Charity. This proposition was seconded by WBro M Rosney PProvSGD and approved by the Brethren. The CS thanked the WM and Brethren.
Following notice of motion, Bro Stephen Ormerod, Stwd proposed WBro Terence Ward as a joining member of the Lodge. Seconded by WBro Harwood, Sec on behalf of WBro A Shaw PProvSGD.
Following notice of motion WBro Harwood, Sec proposed that the Lodge By-Laws be amended. WBro Heskett, CS seconded the proposition and the Brethren approved. The Secretary thanked the WM and Brethren.
Reports were requested from the Almoner, CS and Area Rep.
Greetings were received from Victory Lodge, No.3932, St Michael's on Wyre Lodge, No.8348 and Royal Larne Lodge, No.615 for the PGL of Antrim, Northern Ireland.
There were 19 members and 5 visitors in attendance.
There being no further business the Lodge was closed and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board to join the Ladies for our Christmas meal.