Amity Crest

Amity Crest

The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283

Rossendale Forest Crest
Rossendale Forest Crest


27 January 2024 - Installation Meeting

The Installation of WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD into the Chair of the Lodge.

† The WM requested that the Brethren stand to order in respect of Mrs Jean Aspden who had passed away 11 January 2024, she was the widow of a Past Master of the Lodge WBro James (Jim) Aspden †

The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW.

A Ballot was taken for WBro Terrance Ward PProvSGD as a joining member of the Lodge, which proved in favour. WBro Ward was then admitted and escorted into the Lodge by the Director of Ceremonies WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD and introduced to the WM, who welcomed WBro Ward to the Lodge.

WBro Peter Hegarty PSGD AProvGM was admitted accompanied by other Grand Lodge Officers, the Northern Area Chairman and the RWProvGM of Galloway, Scotland. Salutations were given accordingly.

For the purpose of Installation, the WIM, WBro Rayton, invited WBro Andy Shaw PProvSGD to occupy the SW's Chair, WBro Graham Grishakow PProvGStB to occupy the JW's chair, WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB to act as IG and WBro Dennis Hesket PProvGReg to remain as Tyler. The WIM then requested all Brethren below the rank of a FC to retire for a short time and the Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree.

The main business of the meeting was to install WBro Alan Edward Fielder PProvJGD, JW, WME into the Chair of this old Lodge. WBro M Rosney ProvSGD, DC, presented the WME to the WIM. WBro Fielder reaffirmed his agreement to the Ancient Charges and Regulations before advanced to the pedestal to recite his obligation. All Brethren below the rank of a MM retired for a short time and the Lodge was opened in the Third-Degree.

After all those below the rank of an Installed Master had retired from the Lodge, a Board of IM's was opened by ritual and the WME, WBro Alan E Fielder was installed into the Chair of King Solomon by the WBro Stuart Rayton, who performed the Ceremony of Installation in an excellent manner. The WT of an IM were presented and explained in an excellent manner by WBro C Harris a past member of the Lodge, now a member of Lodge St. Medans 1335 (SC). The Lodge was called off for a comfort break.


The Lodge was called on and WBro Rosney closed the B of IM by ritual. Work resumed in the various Degrees with:

  • WBro Casson presented the WT's of a MM.
  • WBro Casson presented the WT's of a FC.
  • WBro Casson presented the WT's of an EA.
  • The Warrants, Book of Constitutions, By-Laws, Banners, and Bible Fall were presented by WBro Stuart Rayton, IPM

All performed their work in an excellent manner, to the usual high standard and with sincerity.

The WM was requested to appoint and invest his officers. Officers who were unable to attend the Installation will be invested at some future date.

The address to the WM as given by WBro Ken Lee, the address to the Wardens by WBro Ken Lee and the address to the Brethren by WBro Graham Grishakow.

Reports were received from the Almoner, CS presented by WBro Harwood, Secretary in the absence of WBro Heskett PProvGReg, and the District Representative.

WBro Peter Hegarty PSGD AProvGM presented WBro Fielder WM with a commemorative certificate from the members of the Lodge. The WM then presented WBro Hegarty with a cheque for £1,000.00 from the Lodge for him to pass on to the ELMC on our behalf. WBro Hegarty thanked the WM and Brethren for this most generous donation.

The minutes recorded apologies from members, however, 19 members and 22 visitors were present from Lodges in the Provinces of East Lancs, West Lancs, and Galloway (Scotland).

The Lodge was closed, and an excellent and jovial Installation Festive Board followed.



Lodge St. Medans No.1335
Province of Galloway

The Annual Trip To St Medans


All ready for the off to Scotland
hope I've got everything.


Having a quite drink at the Hotel before being whisked off to the Lodge at Drummore.

"I don't know if I'm coming or going".


The delegation from 283 - such a happy bunch.


The Festive Board
At the Stranraer Bowling Club




A short history of Lodge St Cuthbert Kilwinning No.41



Toasting the JW during the Master's Song
Toasting the SW during the Master's Song
Toasting the Master during the Master's Song
WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB responding on behalf of the visitors



Off the the Grapes for a night-cap


A comfort break at Dumfries on the way home - feels like a Spring day


A great weekend - roll on next year........



20 February 2024

The Lodge was opened in due form by the WM, WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD. WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB was acting Tyler and WBro Terry Ward PProvSGD was acting Inner Guard.

WBro K Lee, Sec read the summons convening the meeting and the circulated minutes of our last regular meeting were approved and signed by the WM and Wardens.

A ballot was held for WBro Stuart Gregory & Bro Kevin George Rawcliffe (details as per the summons and appendix) as joining members of the Lodge. The ballot proved successful and both WBro Gregory and Bro Rawcliffe and were admitted to the Lodge and presented by WBro Rosney PProvSGD, DC, to the WM who officially welcomed them both as joining members of the Lodge and presented them with the Lodge By-Laws and ritual book.

WBro R Harwood PProvGSwdB, Mentor retired to attend on the candidate. The WM advised that the next business was to Initiate Mr Simon David Povey. There was a report, and the Mentor was readmitted. WBro R Harwood confirmed that the necessary paperwork had been signed and the required dues had been paid. Mr Povey was admitted, and the ceremony was conducted by the WM in an excellent manner, assisted by officers of the Lodge.
Bro B Manoliu JD conducted the candidate reassuringly, Bro J Fitzgerald, SD presented the address to the Northeast Corner with confidence, and Bro B Manoliu JD presented and explained the WTs in an outstanding manner. The WM advised Bro Povey of the authority by which we act and proceeded to present him with the BofC and Lodge By-laws, before asking him to retire to restore himself to his personal comfort.

There was a report and Bro Povey was readmitted and conducted to the centre of the Lodge. WBro K Lee, Sec. delivered the Charge after Initiation in a most excellent manner.

The test questions and answers were demonstrated by the WM and his Wardens, after which the WM welcomed Bro Povey into the Lodge and presented him with his Lodge EA certificate before inviting him to take his seat in Lodge.

Reports were received from WBro S Rayton PProvJGW, Acting Almoner, WBro D Heskett PProvGReg, CS and WBro K Lee Area Rep.

Other business of the Lodge was conducted before closing the Lodge in peace and harmony. The Brethren then retired to the Festive Board.

Group photo

WBro Harwood and the WM with out new Entered Aprrentice.

The WM with two new joining members WBro Stuart Gregory and Bro Kevin Rawcliffe.


12 March 2024 - 50th Celebration for WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB

The Lodge was opened in due form at by the Worshipful Master WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD. WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB was acting JW.

Bro Ken Lee, Sec read the summons convening the meeting. The circulated minutes of the last regular meeting held in February 2024 were approved and signed by the WM and his Wardens.

Reports were received from the acting Almoner and the Area Representative.

Accounts and Finance was dealt with, and correspondence was received.

WBro Dave McGurty PSGD AProvGM accompanied by Officers of United Grand Lodge and an Area Delegation were admitted. WBro McGurty was presented to the WM who offered him the Gavel which he accepted with pleasure, and he then took the Chair of the Lodge.

Salutations were given to WBro McGurty PSGD AProvGM and the Grand Lodge Officers.

The main business of the evening was then conducted, the celebration of 50 years in Freemasonry for WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB.

The AProvGM then called the Lodge off and WBro Bright's wife and immediate family were admitted to the Lodge to witness the proceedings.

The AProvGM started with the introduction of the delegation and then invited WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD to give a very personal and appropriate tribute to WBro Donald Bright. This much appreciated testimonial set the happy and positive tone for the evening, continued by the APGM's recollection of what life was like in 1974. The AProvGM then presented WBro Bright with an illuminated certificate and a personal letter from the RWProvGM Robert Ian Frankl. The ProvGDC then escorted WBro Bright around the Lodge to the acclaim of the Brethren, before being seated with his wife and family member.

WBro A Taylor ProvJGW, standing in for the Area Chairman then re-presented the 50th lapel pin and gifted a fine Cognac in appreciation of a "special man" and his contribution to Freemasonry, evident from the tremendous support at his celebration.

WBro Ray Godwin PProvDepGDC presented flowers to Jean, Donald's wife in appreciation for her long term support of Donald's Freemasonry.

The WM presented the AProvGM with a cheque for the ELMC for £283, the number of the Lodge.

Photographs were then taken of Donald and Jean with the AProvGM.

Donald's family members were then escorted from the Lodge room by the ProvGDC and the Lodge DC. The AProvGM then called the Lodge back on.

The WM reoccupied the Chair and the AProvGM and delegation retired from the Lodge to rapturous applause. On this occasion the AProvGM was accompanied by WBro Bright.

Other business remaining on the Summons was quickly conducted and the Lodge was closed in due form. The Brethren retired to the Festive Board after the usual photographs in the Lodge Room.

WBro Donald Bright - 50 years in Freemasonry.


The AProvGM presenting Donald with his 50 year certificate from the Province.


The AProvGM with Jean and Donald.



12 April 2024

283 at The Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation Number 355

On the 12 April 2024 two of our members WBro Greg Casson and Bro Bogdan Manoliu travelled to Sussex to "The Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation No.355", to witness the initiation of Mr Sergiu Maxim a fellow Romanian. The Grand Secretary of the National Grand Lodge of Romania, RWBro Florian Birlea was also in attendance.

355 proceedings

Mr Maxim, having signed the necessary declaration and paid the customary fees, was admitted into the Lodge. Being properly prepared he was Initiated, by the Worshipful Master, WBro Kevin Gaskin, into the Arts & Mysteries of Freemasonry according to ancient custom assisted by Bro Kevin Crocker, SD who gave the Charity Charge in a most excellent manner.

Having been invested with the Badge and Jewel of an Entered Apprentice by Bro Tim Herrington SW, the Working Tools were presented and explained to him in a most exemplary manner by Bro Dickinson, Chaplain. An explanation of some of the symbology of the First Degree was given faultlessly by WBro Dudley Tucker and the Charge to the initiate was given by Bro Lance Tucker of Blackfriars Lodge (3722) in a confident and fluent manner.

Other Masonic business was transacted and there being on other business to deal with, the lodge was closed in due form and the brethren adjourned to the dining room for Supper in perfect harmony.

Extract from a 'Letter of Thanks' to The Royal Sussex Lodge 355 from Greg and Bogdan.

"Please receive our 'Letter of Thanks' to the Lodge, and its members for the way you greeted us, and the courtesy shown to us immediately we entered the building.
We were shown straight to a room to be used as a 'Changing facility' to enable us to get changed from our travelling garments into our Masonic regalia.
We were then, and also throughout the evening made very welcome and comfortable. All evening we were made most welcome by the current membership for which we thank you most sincerely".

Grand Secretary of the National Grand Lodge of Romania, RWBro Florian Birlea | Bro Sergiu Maxim |WBro Kevin Gaskin, WM | Bro Bogdan Manoliu | WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB.
Click image to enlarge


© Photographs and Documents courtesy of
The Royal Sussex Lodge No.355



26 April 2024

The first meeting of the 283 Learning and Development Group

The inaugural meeting of the 283 Learning and Development Group took place on the 26 April 2024 at Mill House with a total of 12 members attending, where a discussion ensued on Masonic matters. After the meeting they all retired to "The Stanhill" for a meal and conversations on non-Masonic matters. It was a great evening and a good start for the group with its next meeting planned for Saturday the 8 June 2024 at Mill House for a 09:30am breakfast and a meeting. (Sounds interesting).

The first meeting and meal of the 283 L&D Group.
Click image to enlarge

30 April 2024 - Third-Degree Ceremony
Bro Peter Gregory

WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW IPM, in the absence of the WM, welcomed the brethren to the meeting, especially the visitors. He then opened the Lodge in due form with the assistance of the officers of the Lodge. WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB was acting JW in the absence of WBro Dennis Heskett PProvGReg, and WBro Ian Haworth PProvDepGDC, Chaplain was acting IPM.

The Worshipful Masters of our Family of Lodges were escorted into the Lodge room by the Deacons, Bro Jason Fitzgerald SD and Bro Bogdan Manoliu JD, and WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD, DC introduced them in turn to the acting WM.

The Secretary WBro Kenneth Lee read the Summons convening the meeting and the minutes of our last meeting were confirmed as being correct. The Minute Book was then signed by the acting WM and the Wardens.

The Lodge was opened in the Second degree and Bro Peter Gregory gave proof of his proficiency as a Fellowcraft Freemason. He was then entrusted with the credentials to enable him to re-enter the Lodge in a higher degree. He was escorted by the SD to the anti-room for preparation for his raising to the degree of a Master Mason.

Group photo of all attending.
Click image to enlarge


The Lodge was opened in the Third-Degree and WBro Rayton invited WBro Graham Grishakow PProvGStB to occupy the Master's Chair. (WBro Grishakow had stood-in at extremely short notice to work the ceremony due to the WM, WBro Fielder's absence). Bro Gregory was re-admitted to the Lodge and escorted throughout by Bro Jason Fitzgerald SD, in a very excellent and reassuring manner. WBro Grishakow worked the ceremony of raising in his usual excellent manner, assisted by the officers of the Lodge, who all performed their duties in an outstanding ceremony. WBro Kenneth Lee, Secretary, gave the Charge after raising and Bro Manoliu JD, gave an excellent explanation of the Working Tools of the degree. Bro Gregory was then escorted to the anti-room to restore himself to his former comforts. During his absence, the acting WM re-occupied the Masters Chair and closed the Lodge down through the degrees by virtue to the First-Degree. On Bro Gregory's return, WBro Rayton congratulated him on taking the third regular step in Freemasonry and informed him that he would receive an explanation of the Traditional History and Third-Degree Tracing Board at our next regular meeting in May, but for now he could resume his seat in the Lodge.

WBro Grishakow, Treasurer, presented the Lodge Accounts for approval. Bro Will Atkinson SW, a member of the Audit Committee confirmed that the accounts had been audited and found correct. The Brethren voted unanimously to approve the Lodge Accounts.

In the absence of the Charity Steward, WBro Heskett, Bro Will Atkinson again confirmed that the Charity Account had been audited and found correct. The Brethren voted unanimously to approve the Charity Account.

Reports were received from the Almoner (WBro Rayton as acting Almoner), Charity Steward (report by the Secretary), and the Area Representative WBro Kenneth Lee.
First Rising: Communications from UGLE were received.
Second Rising: Communications from PGLEL were received. WBro Andrew Taylor PProvJGW, APGP, gave greetings on behalf of the Provincial Officers in attendance and congratulated the Lodge Officers and the candidate on an excellent ceremony.
Third Rising: Lodge correspondence was received together with apologies. Bro Tom Nicholson, WM of our daughter Lodge Bank Terrance with King Oswald tender greetings on behalf of the visitors and made comment on an excellent ceremony.

The Tyler's Book recorded 21 members and 11 visitors.

There being no other business the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony, followed by a fantastic and happy festive board.




28 May 2024
Third-Degree Traditional History and Tracing Board
and presentation of the Grand Lodge Certificate.


The Lodge was opened in due form by the Worshipful Master, WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD assisted by the officers of the Lodge.
Acting Officers:

  • Acting SW - WBro Russell Harwood PProvGSwdB Mentor
  • Acting JW - WBro Steve Barton PAGDC
  • Acting IG - WBro Terrence Ward PProvSGD
  • Acting IPM - WBro Ian Haworth PProvDepGDC Chaplain

WBro K Lee, Sec read the summons convening the meeting and the circulated minutes of our last regular meeting were approved and signed by the WM and the acting Wardens.

All Brethren below the rank of a Fellowcraft retired from the Lodge, the Lodge was opened in the Second-Degree.

All Brethren below the rank of a Master Mason retired from the Lodge which was then opened in the Third-Degree. the WM then invited WBro Graham Grishakow PProvGStB to present the explanation of the Traditional History and Third-Degree Tracing Board to Bro Peter Gregory MM, which he did in his usual excellent manner. Bro Gregory was Deaconed throughout by Bro Jason Fitzgerald SD. The WM congratulated Bro Gregory on the completion of his Third-Degree and presented him with the Lodge By-Laws, Lodge Ritual Book and the Third-Degree Lodge Certificate. Bro Gregory then took his seat in the Lodge.

The Lodge was then closed by virtue to the First-Degree by the WM.

The WM presented, and then gave an excellent explanation of the Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Jan Buchholc who then signed his certificate at the Secretaries table, he then resumed him seat in the Lodge.

Reports were received from the Almoner, Charity Steward, and Area Representative.

The Treasurer WBro Grishakow, updated the Lodge on the Accounts and Financial.

Present at the meeting were 16 Members and 1 visitor

After other business of the Lodge had been transacted, the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board, after the photos had been taken.

The Mentor with our only visitor on this occasion.
Click image to enlarge
Group photo of members attending.
Click image to enlarge

Bro Peter Gregory receiving the Third-Degree Lodge Certificate
Click image to enlarge

Bro Jan Buchholc receiving his Grand Lodge Certificate from the WM
Click image to enlarge




** Summer Recess **

Saturday 17 August 2024 - an extraordinary and special meeting.
Demonstration of a Scottish Third-Degree by Brethren from North of the Border


What a fantastic, extraordinary Lodge meeting. Seven Masons from five Lodges in two Scottish Provinces, all came together to demonstrate a Scottish Third-Degree Ceremony for us at 283. Those involved were as follows:

The Province of Galloway

Lodge St. Medan 1335 (Drummore)
- RW Provincial Grand Master Andrew Mcllwraith, RWM
- WBro Chris Harris, SD
- PM Callum Brown, SW
Lodge Galloway 951 (Wigtown)
- WBro Duncan Ashgrove, JW
Lodge St. John 189 (Castle Douglas)
- RWM Tommy Cannon, Substitute PGM, JD

The Province of Dumfriesshire

Lockerbie Quhytewoollen 258 (Lockerbie)
- RW Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Dumfriesshire, Alan Hope, IG
St. Michaels Kilwinning Dumfries 63 (Dumfries)
- RWM John Patterson, Bible Bearer

The Lodge was opened in due form by the Worshipful Master, WBro Alan Fielder, PProvJGD. WBro Dave McGurty PSGD, AProvGM, was in attendance with two other Grand Lodge Officers.

Acting Officers:

  • Acting IPM, WBro Ian Haworth PProvDepGDC.
  • Acting SW, WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW
  • Acting IG, WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB.
  • Acting Tyler, WBro Terry Ward PProvSGD.

WBro Dave McGurty PSGD, AProvGM was given the usual salutation, after which the WM offered the Gavel to WBro McGurty who declined the offer and handed it back to the WM.

The Dispensation to hold this extraordinary meeting from Provincial Grand Lodge was confirmed and the Summons convening the meeting was read by the Secretary, WBro Ken Lee.

The RW Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Galloway, accompanied by the other Masons from the Scottish constitution were admitted to the Lodge and welcomed accordingly.

The main business of the afternoon was to receive a demonstration of the Scottish Third-Degree ceremony from Officers of the Provinces of Galloway and Dumfriesshire in the Scottish Constitution.

The WM and Principal Officers then 'Called off' the Lodge to enable the demonstration team to prepare the Lodge for the ceremony. The WM then invited the RWPGM of Galloway, Andrew McIlwraith to occupy the Masters Chair. The Officers of the Lodge then vacated their posts to the Scottish Masons. The Lodge was then opened in the three Degrees under the Scottish Constitution and the demonstration of the Scottish Third-Degree then proceeded, with Bro Bogdan Manoliu as the candidate for the evening.

The demonstration team, made up of seven Masons from five different Lodges came together with only one night's practice to work a ceremony that was outstanding, it was remarkably interesting to see how they performed the ceremony. Whilst the storyline remained the same, the choreography and presentation was different. What became clear above everything else, was that Freemasonry transcends all Borders.

After closing the Lodge under the Scottish Constitution, the RWPGM Andrew McIlwraith invited our WM and Lodge Officers to reoccupy their Chairs.

The Lodge was 'Called On' and then closed in due form by the WM and Principal Officers. The Brethren then retired to the Bar and to enjoy an excellent Festive/Social Board.

Bro Bogdan Manoliu receiving a commemorative Certificate from the RWPGM of Galloway, Andrew McIlwraith
Click image to enlarge



† The WM requested that the Brethren stand to order in respect of Mrs May Horrocks who had passed away since our last regular meeting, she was the widow of a Past Master of Rossendale Forest Lodge WBro Frank Horrocks †

The WM, WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD opened the Lodge in due form with the following Brethren in acting positions:

  • WBro Graham Grishakow PProvGStB acting SW.
  • WBro Donald Bright PProvGSwdB acting Chaplain.
  • WBro Russell Harwood PProvGSwdB acting SD.
  • WBro Terrance Ward PProvSGD acting IG.
  • WBro Steve Barton PAGDC acting Tyler.

WBro K Lee, Sec read the summons convening the meeting and the circulated minutes of our last regular meeting and the emergency meeting on the 17 August were approved and signed by the WM and Wardens.

Group Photo of the Lodge members

An oration entitled 'Remembering Bro Gabriel Bullock' who was killed in action in WW1, was given by WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW. The Brethren then stood to order for departed merit.

The next business was to Pass Bro Simon David Povey to the 2nd Degree. Bro Povey escorted by Bro Bogdan Manoliu JD, answered the 'Test Questions' in an excellent manner, he then retired for preparation. The Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree. Bro Povey was admitted and Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft in an admirable manner by the WM, WBro Fielder. WBro Russell Harwood, acting SD, Deaconed Bro Povey with confidence and reassured him throughout. Bro Bogdan Manoliu, JD, gave the address to the SE corner, WBro Ken Lee presented the full version of the WT's in an excellent manner, he also delivered the Charge after Passing. The test questions and answers of a Fellow Craft were demonstrated by the WM and the Wardens. WBro Fielder then congratulated Bro Povey, presented his Certificate of Passing and invited him to occupy his rightful place in the Lodge. All officers who took part, worked the ceremony extremely well. The Lodge was closed in the 2nd Degree by virtue and work resumed in the 1st Degree.

WBro Russell Harwood give notice of motion on behalf of WBro Raymond Godwin PProvDepGDC that at the next meeting he will propose Mr Scott Smith for membership of the Lodge.

Reports were received from the Almoner (WBro Rayton, acting Almoner), the Charity Steward, WBro Dennis Heskett PProvGReg and the Area Representative, WBro Ken Lee.

WBro Grishakow, Treasurer, gave the financial report.

WBro Barton gave greeting from United Grand Lodge of England and commented on the excellent ceremony.
WBro Rayton gave greetings from the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire, he also made comment on the work done this evening.

After any other business, the Lodge was closed, and the Brethren stayed for photographs and then retired to the festive board.




Tuesday 15 October 2024

The WM, WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD opened the Lodge in due form. Bro Peter Moore was acting JD and WBro Terry Ward was acting IG.

WBro K Lee, Sec read the summons convening the meeting and the circulated minutes of our last regular meeting were approved and signed by the WM and Wardens.

The WM, WBro Alan Fielder presented and explained the Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Peter Gregory in a most excellent manner. Bro Gregory was Deaconed by Bro Peter Moore JD who ensured that Bro Gregory signed his certificate at the Secretaries table.

The next item of business was to receive a presentation on the Royal Arch from the Royal Arch Area Officer WBro Mike Stubbs PProvDepGDC entitled "Why should a Master Mason join the Royal Arch?" WBro Stubbs presented this paper in a light-hearted and jovial way but was very instructive. However, he was probably preaching to the converted as the majority of Brethren present were already Royal Arch Masons. The presentation was well received, and the WM thanked WBro Stubbs for his work in the Lodge tonight and the Brethren showed their appreciation in the usual manner.

The next item of business was in the hands of WBro Ray Godwin PProvDepGDC Lodge Membership Officer, who proposed Mr Scott Smith as a candidate for Initiation into the Lodge, the proposition was seconded by WBro Russell Harwood PProvGSwdB, Lodge Mentor.

Reports were received from WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW acting Almoner - WBro Dennis Heskett PProvGReg, Charity Steward - WBro Ken Lee, Area Representative.

After dealing with the Accounts and Financial and correspondence the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony, followed by a very harmonious festive board.

Bro Peter Gregory with his Grand Lodge Certificate and the WM, WBro Alan Fielder.
WBro Mike Stubbs with the WM.


* Trip to Lodge St Michael's Kilwinning No 63 in Dumfries *
26 October 2024


Three members of our Lodge, WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD (WM), WBro Greg Casson PProvGSwdB and Bro Bogdan Manoliu (JD), travelled to Dumfries to witness the Installation of Bro John Patterson PM as the RWM of Lodge St Michael's Kilwinning No.63 and were given an extremely warm welcome.

The Installing Master was Bro Stuart Fair PM, IPM, assisted by the officers of the Lodge. Fortunately, the ceremony was to reaffirm Bro Patterson as the Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge and was worked in the third-degree, which enabled Bro Manoliu to remain in the Lodge to witness the full ceremony.

The Bro Patterson was proclaimed RWM of the Lodge in the varies degrees.

Greetings were given from:

  • Lodge Members: Bro S Fair PM IPM Tyler
  • Provincial Grand Lodge of Dumfries: Bro Alan Hope DepProvGM
  • Lodges within Province: Bro A Nelson RWM Lodge Dumfries Kilwinning No 53
  • Lodges outside the Province: Bro
  • Lodges from the English Constitution: WBro Alan Fielder WM of The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283.

The Brethren then retired to a very hospitable Festive Board.

From L to R back row - WBro Greg Casson - WBro Alan Fielder
Front row Bro Andrew McIlwraith ProvGM of Galloway - Bro Alan Hope DepProvGM of Dumfriesshire - Bro John Patterson RWM - Bro Bogdan Manoliu.

WBro Casson and WBro Fielder (WM) getting ready for the off


WBro Fielder travelled to Scotland with his wife Shirley staying in a Hotel near Dumfries. Meanwhile, whilst the boys were having their Festive Board. The wives of members of Lodge St Michael's Kilwinning No.63 arranged to meet Shirley for they own Festive Board at an eating establishment in Dumfries.

Alan thanking one of the wives for looking after Shirley.

Shirley's thinking "oow what's going on here".



Remembrance Sunday 2024
The WM WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD laid the Lodge wreath at the War Memorial in Haslingden on Sunday 10 November 2024.



We will remember them ALL with honour and pride.

Photos courtesy of Friends of Haslingden Cemetery via WBro Steve Barton PAGDC

12 November 2024

The WM, WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD opened the Lodge in due form. Bro Peter Moore was acting SD, Bro Kevin Rawcliffe acting JD and WBro Terry Ward was acting IG.

WBro K Lee, Sec read the summons convening the meeting and the circulated minutes of our last regular meeting were approved and signed by the WM and Wardens.

The WM invited WBro Rayton PProvJGW, IPM to present an explanation of the First-Degree Tracing Board. WBro Rayton invited Bro Simon Povey, FC to join him on the mosaic pavement to receive the explanation. After the presentation Bro Povey resumed his seat and the WM thanked WBro Rayton for the most excellent manner in which the Tracing Board had been delivered, the Brethren then responded in the usual Masonic manner and WBro Rayton resumed his seat.

A ballot was taken for Mr Scott Smith a candidate for Initiation into the Lodge which proved successful. WBro Ray Godwin PProvDepGDC, LMO, thanked the Brethren for their confidence in his candidate.

The remainder of the business was the approval of recommendations from the October Committee meeting.

Reports were received from WBro Rayton IPM, acting Almoner - WBro Dennis Heskett PProvGReg, Charity Steward - WBro Ken Lee, Area Representative.

WBro Heskett responded for the Provincial Officers and for the visitors WBro Michael Gosling, WM of St Aidans Lodge No.6339.

After dealing with the Accounts and Financial and correspondence the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony, followed by a very harmonious festive board.

WM WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD | Bro Simon Povey (FC) | WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW, IPM





December Business Meeting

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


WBro Alan Fielder WM, PProvJGD opened the Lodge in due form with Bro Kevin Rawcliffe acting JD and WBro Terry Ward was acting IG.

The WM welcomed the Brethren especially our two visitors.

WBro K Lee, Sec read the summons convening the meeting and the circulated minutes of our last regular meeting were approved and signed by the WM and Wardens

The WM announced that WBro Donald Bright had received a promotion to PProvJGW at the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting in November, The DC, WBro Michael Rosney PProvSGD then presented WBro Bright to the WM who congratulated him on his preferment, WBro Bright was then escorted round the Lodge to rapturous applause.

The following elections took place:

  • To elect the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year - there only being one nomination, the WM declared that WBro Graham Grishakow PProvGStdB was Worshipful Master Elect.
  • To elect the Treasurer for the ensuing year - there being only one nomination, the WM declared that WBro Steve Barton PAGDC was elected Treasurer.
  • To elect the Accounts Examination Committee for the ensuing year - WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW and Bro William Atkinson were re-elected as the Accounts Examination Committee (Auditors).

Bro Jason Fitzgerald SD proposed and Bro Kevin Rawcliffe (Acting JD) seconded that the WM be empowered to appoint a Tyler for the ensuing year from amongst the subscribing members of the Lodge, without emolument - this was approved with a show of hands.

Following a Notice of Motion, the WBro Grishakow, Treasurer, proposed and WBro Dennis Heskett PProvGReg the Lodge subscription fees for the ensuing year - approved on a show of hands.

Following a Notice of Motion, the Charity Steward, WBro Heskett proposed and WBro Rosney seconded that certain sum of money be given to Charity - approved on a show of hands.

Following a Notice of Motion, WBro Russell Harwood PProvGSwdB proposed and WBro Rosney seconded that WBro's D Bury PProvGSuptWks and WBro Andy Shaw PProvSGD for Country Membership - approved on a show of hands.

The Almoner's, Charity Steward's and Area Rep's reports had been circulated by email previous to this meeting.

The Treasurer confirmed that all accounts due and accruing had been delt with except for the evening meal, to which he would presently attend.

Greetings were received on the first rising from WBro Chris Wildman PAGDC of the Lodge of Integrity No.163.

Greetings were received on the second rising from our newly promoted Provincial Officer, WBro Donald Bright PProvJGW.

Greetings were received after the third rising from Bro Rick Beckett of Bayport Lodge No.249 in Victoria Harbour, near Toronto, Canada. (

There being no further business the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony.

Bro Rick Beckett of Bayport Lodge No.249 in Victoria Harbour, near Toronto, Canada.


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