Amity Crest

Amity Crest

The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283

Rossendale Forest Crest
Rossendale Forest Crest


283 Events


Programme of events for the Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283 for this Masonic Year
~~ Please re-visit this page on a regular basis as this programme may be subject to change ~~

Lodge Programme for 2025
Unless otherwise stated the Lodge will Tyle at 19:00 prompt.

Date Business Worked by: Practice
25 January
Tyle 15:00
Installation Meeting to Install WBro Graham D Grishakow PProvGStB, WME into the Chair of the Lodge.
WBro Alan Kirwilliam PSGD PAProvGM will be in attendance.
The WM assisted by the Past Masters of and in the Lodge
18 February
Tyle 18:30
Initiation ceremony - Mr Scott Smith WM
11 March
Tyle 19:00
Presentation by newer/junior Brethren "The Lodge Banners" Bro Kevin Rawcliffe
15 April
Tyle 19:00
1st Degree TB WBro Stuart Rayton PProvJGW
06 May
Tyle 19:00
Third-Degree Ceremony for Bro Simon Povey.
Traditional History & Third-Degree Tracing Board
WBro Alan Fielder, IPM PProvJGD
WBro Graham Grishakow, WM PProvGStB

~~ The Lodge this year is in Summer recess June through to August. ~~

09 September
Tyle 18:30
Open and close all 3 Degrees plus WT's in each degree WM, SW, JW and members of the Lodge
07 October
Tyle 18:30
Second-Degree Ceremony for Bro Scott Smith WBro Alan Fielder PProvJGD, IPM
04 November
Tyle 18:30
Second-Degree Tracing Board WBro Donald Bright PProvJGW
02 December

Tyle 19:00
  • Business meeting and to read the Bye Laws
  • Presentation "The Statue of Liberty and Freemasonry"

Wives, Partners, Widows of the Lodge and Guests are welcome to attend the Festive Board.
Jan 2025 Installation IWM

To reserve a meal at all events please book with the Secretary

Please note that dates marked thus have been moved and are not our normal meeting dates




of East Lancashire

19 November 2024, Provincial Grand Lodge at King George's Hall, Blackburn.

Appointments and Promotions in November 2024:

WBro Donald Bright promoted to PProvJGW

Congratulations to all those who have received appointments and promotions

The next Provincial Grand Lodge will be held on the 18th of November 2025
at the Toughsheet Stadium, the home of Bolton Wanderers Football Club, Burnden Way, Horwich, BL6 6JW.



The Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch is the completion of a Mason's journey through Pure Ancient Freemasonry.
For more information visit the Royal Arch Chapter page on this website or contact the Royal Arch Rep. who will be pleased to provide you with further information and an application form.

Copyright © 2012 - The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283 - All rights reserved.

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Website design & maintenance by raytononline