The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283
The Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest is an amalgamation of two Lodges. The Lodge of Amity No.283 (founded in 1791) and Rossendale Forest Lodge No.4138 (founder in 1920). Amity, the Mother Lodge and Rossendale Forest, the Daughter Lodge. The Lodge of Amity is a Great-Great-Great Grandmother, having had two Daughter Lodges, seven Granddaughter Lodges, four Great Granddaughter Lodges, two Great-Great Granddaughter Lodges and three Great-Great-Great Granddaughter Lodges.
Lodge History and blog
Two Lodges combine to form one great Lodge for the future.... the Lodge of Amity and Rossendale Forest No.283, (amalgamation 2011) is dedicated to carrying on the good works of Freemasonry..... Two into One does go!
Our history section is in three parts, Parts 1 and 2 are the Mother and Daughter Lodges respectively; Part 3 is the Amalgamated Lodge. Please select below the section you wish to view: click on the crest.
283 Family Tree
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Royal Arch Chapter ~ Chapter of Wisdom No.283
The link between the Lodge of Amity No.283 and the Chapter of Wisdom No. 283, 1792 - 2013